Does anyone know when will the game will be available to play if you digital download it I m the east side USA
As soon as u get iy
Ull get to down two days early, im just like u.
At 7 am
My god ppl... The game comes out Sept 9. Just because you preorder the digital doesn't mean you get to play it early.
Like everybody you moron
This should clear some things up
Some time in the days before if u ardered from psn
It will be pacific time, so around 3 in the morning for us. Which is a bummer. But they are going to let you download the game on the network starting the 7th of sept. So atleast we won't have to wait like with other games on the network.
The PSN store says 12 PACIFIC. Not cool at all. I'm in the same boat (Florida) and ordered digital but planing on canceling and going to my gamestop. But Sony can be a pain when you cancel. Also I have heard others say when they bought digital some games unlocked before midnight. I've never tried , as this is my 1st download before a game was out.
idk i pre prdered from gamestop and it said that my download code will be available on sep. 9 at 9 a.m CST but im in pacific.
Oh damn. Ummmm you preordered digitally from gamestop?!! Yeah I'm talking about disc midnight release at gamestop stores. Those we get before digital least on east coast.
oh i see. my reply was actually for devarsh lol
What about for the disc? Regular time, right? Right?!?!?
As far as we know. Yes. If you have the disc and it's sept 9 somewhere in the world it will play. That's why many are saying they are canceling Sony PSN digital edition on the east coast and will go to gamestop midnight releases instead. To avoid the 3 hour wait for PSN to unlock the game at 12 pacific.
Midnight releases can be crazy. I am just gonna chill and wait . Instead of battling the crowd.
Same hear
It don't matter if you have digital or hard copy you can't play unless the servers are up and I'm not 100% sure but I think i read that once it is 12am in your location you can play servers will go up according to location and time zones. Again like I said not 100% on this so I could be wrong
Kinda heard different. .....from MULTIPLE sources. Hate to burst your bubble but Bungie twitter, forums, and youtube Destiny followers are ALL reporting server (s) go live when that 1st timezone hits 12:01 am sept 9th. (Aka 1st timezone is somewhere near New Zealand) IF your retailer has given you a Destiny game or you have a copy from wherever you got it (aka black market, gamestop employee friend, etc.) you will be able to play....if it's sept 9 somewhere in the world (but it does NOT have to be sept 9 in the location you are at and attempting to play) Hope that makes sense. I've researched this topic extensively last 3 days and that's conclusion. Maybe things will change. As of right now I'd say if you live on Eastern US timezone and have PSN digital edition you either : A- bug Sony and tell them to unlock game before 12 pacific (3am eastern) or B- cancel Sony digital and order gamestop and go to midnight release. C- get a European PSN account maybe and attempt to get their digital edition....but no clue if that will work, just internet rumors.
Makes sense but im sure you just confused somebody else.
Thought and read it was pacific so is true is it going to be pacific or eastern cus then I hate psn for stupid shit like this
Pretty sure it's 12am the 9th
The countdown clock has the game ready to play @ 3am on the east coast