true, but at least we will get a few things from our guardians transferred to the real game
Not trying to be rude but do you have a link or proof cause if so that would make my motherf*ucking YEAR! if not then you just killed it lol
you know what, how about we wait till spet. 9 and then you can judge
Waaaaaaiiiiiiiiit a minute! DID I MOTHERF*CKING REPLY TO THE WRONG PERSON NOOOOOOOOOOOO well then this is awkward
We do like what? The emblem?
plus that, we get a few things here and there transferred, like your top gear or all your consumable or you random things in your vault or things the were above lv 8 or just stuff. I just know some things will transfer, just not your guardian or your stats.
Really? like transferred right?
yes, don't know what I just know some stuff will
Wow thanks for telling me that I had no idea. This is great! Suddenly the month doesn't feel that long... Ptf hahahahaha XD Still pretty long :|
That said "Destiny: beta characters won’t transfer to full game"
no, but it's better than nothing
yeah, but at least you won't have to spend as much time recollecting your gear again, so we beta players have a head start.
Yup also the vanguard armory
and the upgraded sparrow and the experience of knowing the map and all the loot chest and golden chests and well a lot more.
Yup this game will be legend
oh and if anyone by any reason trie to tell you im an idiot and I don't know what im talking about when you tell them the news, tell them to message me and I will explain to their ignorant asses
You definitely don't know what you're talking about. The only things that will carry over are the emblems we are going to be given for the beta testing.
well, you don't who you are talking to
you know what, how about we wait till spet. 9 and then you can judge
Agreed. The only official word I've seen is that each and every bit of gear and equipment will be lost. If you've got proof indicating otherwise, I'll gladly apologise.
well my frined im telling the truth and im not just some hard believer, im really telling the truth, ask Night wolf, search him up. he's with bungie.