[quote]Hey Qwerty![/quote]
[Big, Black, Teenage Girl voice] Heeeeeeeeyyyyyy
[quote]Do you know if Radiance will increase gun damage for the Warlock?[/quote]
Radiance boosts your [b]abilities[/b], i.e. anything that all Sunsingers have
[quote]Also do you think there will be a s***load of blade dancers stealthing around with shotguns in PvP[/quote]
I think it will appeal to a lot of hunters early on, but there should be an even balance of around 60-40 with each class's fouces. Also, the Bladedancer replaces your guns with a third person view+knife (so no stealthing with a shotgun for more then when sitting still)
[quote]I'm concerned all PvP will become a sniper/shotty frenzy.[/quote]
Auto Rifles played bigger roles in the beta then Snipers and Shotguns. Urk informed us that Hand Cannons and Pulse rifles (the latter being the epitome of useless) got a buff, so they may play a bigger role. Scout Rifles and Fusion Rifles were pretty popular too. The powerfulness is why Sniper/Shotty/Fusion Rifles have less ammo
[quote]And lastly do you think raids will be beatable for the moderately competitive gamer.[/quote]
Yes. The disadvantage the "top ranking clan" had with their 16 hours of playtest was not knowing what they were doing. The difficulty comes from the unknown (no ghost waypoint markers or instuctions), the fact the enemies levels increases several times past what they were when you entered, and the traps/sheer numbers. Bungie wants the players to have to learn from numerous playthroughs
You're good at what you do
I try. If you have anymore questions, ask here