Yep i heard ps4 is outselling Xbox one by 2x
Yeah right keep dreaming!
Pfft.. 3.1
Ps4 and xbox one games are still made in 1080p, and there is currently no tvs that have greater then 1080p resolution, so until a tv is created.that is better then 1080p, any extra graphical power the ps4 may have is not being utilized
Look up 4k TV's ur ps4 is ready to hook up to these TV's but they cost 10,000$ and no one but maybe scoop dogg or someone got one
U do realise that bungie have made the game look the same in bith consoles keep ur extra textires for ur exclusive indie games
Lol funny conversation
*won it's over, winning would suggest there's a chance for come back. There is not.
Well with 50% more graphic and textural processing power than the xbone along with 8gb of GDDR5. Ps4 is by far the more superior system
Fan boy
Yep and still winning
Still won* there is no chance of losing