I'm writing this in hopes that others agree with my concerns, and hopefully bring them to the attention of the people producing what seems to me to be the only well-budgeted, creative, passionately-made game due on PS4 any time soon.
I'm writing because I am VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED to the requirement that PS4 players, and indeed, any Destiny players, should be REQUIRED to subscribe to PS+ (or XBL?) in order to play the game.
Yes, I'm ranting and I'm cheap, but if I'm that honest, you can at least be honest enough to read the rest of this before making a decision.
In the previous Generation of Gaming ("LastGen"), PS+ made sense - it was a decision based purely in logic: are you one of the gamers who plays multiple new games each month, easily making back your PS+ subscription fee? Done. Otherwise, an easy pass.
In this Generation of Gaming ("CurrentGen"), PS+ is being used to EXTORT people who have ALREADY PAID for the games in question.
Here's an example: I recently purchased Worms over the PSN for $25. Nothing new, just the same old Worms experience I'd had on other consoles, transplanted to PS4. Many complained about the pricepoint, but I was happy to have my worms.
Until I found out that I could not play a SINGLE other living being, and had just paid $25 to fight cheap A.I.s.
If the game had been Free-To-Play, or even just a bit cheaper, fine. But that's a big chunk of change, and I feel like I've paid. FULLY.
Fast Forward to Bungie's Destiny (I hope you guys're reading!): it costs WELL more than $25, isn't a "one more..." game but the PS4's flagship title, and it's PERSISTENTLY ONLINE.
This is one of the biggest reasons why, in CurrentGen, it's basically a mafioso-style practice to ask people to subscribe to PS+/XBL in order to play multiplayer sections of the games. Why? BECAUSE THE ENTIRE GAME IS MULTIPLAYER! Also, we're not the ones who make that choice - BUNGIE, YOU decided to make your game persistently MMO, and YOU are planning to sell it to us for $60.
"You can buy our game, the whole game, for no small price, buuuuuut.... you can't play any of it!" It sometimes helps to hear other people repeat things we've said back to us, only in their own words, as they hear it. Perspective is difficult. Maybe Sony made this call, and you guys have nothing to do with it.
But there it is.
Don't sell us half of it. In fact, with the amount of online you're promising, don't sell us 10% of it! Sell us the whole damn game, and sell it for $100 if you have to!
But sell it and be done.
Or make a single player game.
But make up your mind, and have a little respect for the people supporting you with their hard-earned money.
Tl:Dr, you don't NEED plus or live to play the game just for raids, strikes, and pvp so( not exactly sure bout xbox) you can still play the main story of the game. And the thing is your a ps owner and don't have ps+ then your doing it wrong, 50$ a yr with 2 free games a month for 3 platforms as well as discounts and such. Ps+ is a great deal over live, but same goes for xbl if you don't already have it then where have you been. I know some ppl will say that 50-60$ is too much but it is for an entire year. I think it's fine that the game requires ps+ and xbl for certain features