I find it so interesting how strong of friendships and communal bonds can be made from playing games with friends and strangers alike. I was wondering where everyone's origins came from in terms of gaming. For me, my first game was Altered Beast on the Sega Master system. My dad picked this up for me in the 80s when I was only 4. We kicked ass together and it was pretty graphic for a 4 year old to play. Punching and kicking zombies and beasts that exploded into pieces lol It was rereleased on the Sega Genesis (which I still own). It's still a lot of fun to play today too.
So what is everyone's story here?
First game I played was Age of Mythology on PC when I was 3 with my dad guiding me. So been gaming for 13 years now.
Super Ghost'n'Ghouls on the SNES is the earliest game I can recall playing. Bloody difficult too...
Gameboy yoshis island
When I was 2 I snatched my sisters gameboy and played the legend of Zelda links awakening and I've been gaming since
Original Nintendo
Wii some fishing game
I was about 7 or so and got a Nintendo 64 with Pokemon Stadium and Star Wars Pod Racer. For about a week I would wake up super early because i was so excited to play each day!
Xbox 360 Halo Reach
Ah.. my very first game was Halo Combat Evolved on the original xbox at my grandparent's house! xP
PS2 with Shrek 2, Spiderman 2 and Sonic Heroes
sega genisis, game was toejam and earl
Grew up with the GameCube and my metroid prime and mk deadly alliance
I was born with a GameCube in one hand and a controller in the other
Ps2 and battle front 1
Sega with this game where you'd go through streets beating people up
Ps2 and Madden 2005
Ps2 grand turismo 3
Og Xbox, I played halo one&2/ mech assault/ San andreas. All the good shit.
Sega Genisys and sonic 2
Pretty sure it was a GameCube and lulgis mansion [spoiler]dont card about spelling it wrong you get the point[/spoiler]
Duck hunt on the nes
Gameboy Advanced. And Metroid
Rehhhhhhh 2000 noobs
Pokemon ruby gameboy, either that or gamecube luigis mansion idk.
Playstation Metal gear solid