I find it so interesting how strong of friendships and communal bonds can be made from playing games with friends and strangers alike. I was wondering where everyone's origins came from in terms of gaming. For me, my first game was Altered Beast on the Sega Master system. My dad picked this up for me in the 80s when I was only 4. We kicked ass together and it was pretty graphic for a 4 year old to play. Punching and kicking zombies and beasts that exploded into pieces lol It was rereleased on the Sega Genesis (which I still own). It's still a lot of fun to play today too.
So what is everyone's story here?
Pc Lego Star Wars
Smash Bros Melee on the game cube!
Adventure on the atari
Donkey Kong 64 Nintendo 64
[spoiler]Spectrum 48k[/spoiler]
Pc Warcraft II. Ironically I suck at RTS.
Gameboy Color, Pokemon Yellow. ^_^
My first game was on the PC. Dune 2000. I was absolutely addicted to that.
I've been gaming since the 90's on consoles from the 80's
Free psn card to buy things
Used to play GameCube all the time Didn't own one but played it so much Need for speed was my life
Wii and Wii Sports
NES and probably Mario.
It's ether... Sega Genesis with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Or Red Gameboy Pocket with Pokemon Blue. Both of which got me into video games, the later is probably responsible for my poor vision and all those batteries in my old toy box. Had some great memories though, loved the first gym battle against Brock.
Some hotwheels mini stunt game on the Ps2 THAT GAME WAS THE SHIT
Can't remember my first game but I think it was Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening DX on my Gameboy Advanced, even though I had no idea what I was doing back then. :)
Ps2 and Star Wars battlefront 1
Game cube ssx tricky
Game boy color. With Pokemon red and yellow for Christmas. Still the best Christmas of my life.
45% are Squakers haha
Xbox halo2
I didn't even know there was a Sega Master system until about 2009, but I owned an NES. Mega Man 2, Super Mario, and Tetris were the first games I had played.
First system, uncle gave me his Gameboy advance color . Played the shit out of that. First game, Pokemon Diamond. Look back on my life and realize that Pokemon sucks and I could've spent my time playing spyro meets crash bandicoot. Honestly...
Ps1... Lost interest went to the X360... Lost interest went to one
Ps1 and mega man x4
Nes with Mario/duck hunt