[quote]Luckily these small exclusives will be timed, but I fully understand the disappointment in not being able to join in on the fun right away, and I won't tell you to "just buy a PS4" because that is pretty arrogant.
But I will tell you this,
I loved the beta with all my heart, and I played it as much as my life would allow, which was a lot considering it was summer and I am a student with just a part time job. The level cap was 8, but the allure was beyond such meaningless numbers. My other games seem so bland to me now, I can't even play battlefield without getting the urge to vomit (seriously).
I know it sucks in theory, but this game is gonna be fun :)[/quote]
Sounds like a true gamer
For me, it doesn't matter. For example, borderlands 1&2-if you bought the goty edition, you get all the extra dlc. I waited and got what I wanted