After putting a good deal of time into playing the beta, I have to say that I'm generally satisfied and am looking forward to diving into the full game. So far, the only thing that I've had problems with is the controller options and button mapping. I know a lot of modern games don't offer this anymore and I'm not sure why, but what ever happened to custom control schemes? You can customize a lot in this game, but not your controls? The default settings have sprint on the move stick (L3, Left stick button), which I thought would be ok... until I found that when I go to activate it it doesn't stay active the majority of the time. The only way that it stays active 100% of the time is if I press in the stick and hold it in the entire time that I want to sprint. Has anyone else experienced this issue? This gets uncomfortable fairly quickly. I have been playing on a PS4 and the controller is only a week old - I don't think that the issue is with my controller because it works just fine with other games. I will be playing the beta on xbox also, to see if I notice a difference. The other setup for controls that I considered was 'Mirror' - this puts sprint on the right stick and works well all of the time. The problem with this configuration is that it changes your aim and shoot buttons to opposite triggers, which was just too much for me to get used to. Would anyone else like to see more control schemes or have the option to create there own control layout?
This is especially relevant for the D-Pad.