Respect to you on your views and comment. I take my hat off to you sir.
Ty and I've actually learned that you can't take someone's respect around here lightly, with all the people arguing all the time a lot of people are seeming to forget that being a little respectful will get ya a lot further with someone than typing out insults. I say some crazy stuff and try to make up some funny posts to lighten up some of the arguments but I usually end up getting thrashed for it, though I do seem to have a few people that appreciate my efforts just to have a little fun. I had a conversation with this guy the other day in which he thanked me for not jumping all over him and letting him know that he had every right to post his thoughts and opinions without being attacked. He seems to be very upset over this whole exclusives matter and I hope that he can sort everything out, buy Destiny, and have a good time in the Xbox version. Ty again and my respect to you as well see ya around.