[url=/en/News/News?aid=12054]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/22/2014[/url]
Looks like we need a new thread starter! There seems to be a lot of Destiny hating going on in this forum right now and the game isn't even out yet.... Leads me to wonder who these people are...? Seems they could benefit from being grateful for what Bungie has created, and waiting to see what Destiny has to offer before they pass judgement on the gaming experience. As a community lets keep a positive discussion at the top of these forums for those of us who believe in having a good time and are excited to play the game. As a community lets not even comment on the degrading posts that are anti Destiny or Bungie. These people are just trying to get attention with drama anyway, ignore their posts and let them go by the wayside :) The rest of us can keep the good times going better without them. Thank you all, thank you Bungie, we Love you, don't let us down :)