[url=/en/News/News?aid=12054]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/22/2014[/url]
I think Microsoft and Sony should just team up to co-create the Ultimate console with the best of both systems integrated into one perfect, upgradeable package. Call it X-Station or PlayBox and lets get down to whats most important here; Gaming, and having fun! We are all one big family with a shared passion. Arent we? yes? Good! Destiny is the first game ever, to make me check for new info constantly and watch the same trailers over and over. This is also my first time being involved in any forum and my first post. Just wanted to say hello to everyone and share my exuberance for Destiny. Both of these consoles that everyone is always arguing about are both fantastic systems already and they have so much capacity for growth and refinement. Imo anyone who owns either one is a winner. Bungie RULES!! They will not let us down. Cant help but believe that. "Be excellent to each other!" and i hope all of you have as much of a BLAST eradicating the Darkness as i know i am going to.