People act like ps4 has zero exclusives. Halo was the only game on the planet to be exclusive to one console.
We're complaining because we've been with bungie for an extremely long time and we get thanked by giving ps4 a decently larger game with an extra, strike, mp map, ships, weapons, and armor. And more to come, they've been saying the expansions will also come with even more content that is "timed" for ps4. You guys spit on bungie for 10 years while we loved em. And you're the ones that get an entire expansion practically a year in advance.
Look at cod, a shitty shooter that xbox gets content what, a monthish in advance? Wooo everybody loves that. A month is timed content. A year is a kick in the nuts.
I'd understand them trying to win over playstation with maybe weapons and armor and ships that are fully exclusive for all I care. And maybe a strike and mp map for a month- threeish month exclusive. These, I could be happy with and understand. But when it comes down to this.
A full strike.
A MP map.
And more "timed exclusive" content to come with expansions?
Don't get me wrong, I still love Bungie and will play destiny an absolute shit ton. But when you're getting basically a full expansion that I and many others won't get to enjoy for a year. Its a tad annoying.
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Butthurt much?
Actually Gran Turismo is only availible for PlayStation consoles,Tekken series as well.
At least your getting some thing, I feel like Bungie betrayed us Xbox players
My bad didn't mean Bungie I meant Microsoft
thats completely fair of you to say. I work for gamestop and the amount of destiny push on the ps4 is truly dishearting. as a xbone owner, i feel alittle shammed about the exclusives, but ill still be losing my life to destiny. i can only hope that later xbox will get something is return for this.
You mean a complete exclusive? Something like HALO?
Just stop ok, just stop. Halo is not a valid argument in the first because one you PS were the ones who said Halo sucked ass, two you guys also said you have your OWN exclusives to play and you guys don't need halo, ok just stop that's annoying its like saying(which will never happen and I know that) that NaughtyDog left sony and we won them over then you guys say all this and that and we use "But you guys got Last Of Us"(only game i remember made from them) as a valid argument.
Halo 5!
im saying in, DESTINY is avaliable for BOTH consoles, however, the only advertising i see is for ps4, im in gamestop allllll day and its all i see :( but in the case of HALO, thats for another forum ;3
Please allow me to fix your comment: Replace "Bungie" with "Microsoft" Instead... It all comes down to being their fault for this happening.
I've got an Xbox too, and am I a little disappointed in the timeframe for the DLC? Yes, but I'll get over it like everyone else should be able to. And if you've got a problem with it, take it up with Microsoft, not Bungie, because that's where it stems from
Mate you xbox users have been feeding off playstation for years live with it I'm been a bungie fan since the early days of halo and if you truly love bungie maybe you should mutli platform and enjoying everything the comes with it! Xbox kicked bungie to the curve with halo for and I for one am happy they are still thriving!! I also wouldn't care how long I have to wait for extra content from them as long as I get it there will be plenty for you to enjoy until then. Don't bag them out in here
But you do know that most of us don't have 400-500$ lying, we also don't shit money either, and also most of us can barely afford just one console so you know don't ask us to be a multi platform player(was not trying to be rude just trying to make a point for the gamers that can barely afford one console)
[quote]People act like ps4 has zero exclusives. Halo was the only game on the planet to be exclusive to one console. We're complaining because we've been with bungie for an extremely long time and we get thanked by giving ps4 a decently larger game with an extra, strike, mp map, ships, weapons, and armor. And more to come, they've been saying the expansions will also come with even more content that is "timed" for ps4. You guys spit on bungie for 10 years while we loved em. And you're the ones that get an entire expansion practically a year in advance. Look at cod, a shitty shooter that xbox gets content what, a monthish in advance? Wooo everybody loves that. A month is timed content. A year is a kick in the nuts. I'd understand them trying to win over playstation with maybe weapons and armor and ships that are fully exclusive for all I care. And maybe a strike and mp map for a month- threeish month exclusive. These, I could be happy with and understand. But when it comes down to this. Weapons. Armor. Ships. A full strike. A MP map. And more "timed exclusive" content to come with expansions? Don't get me wrong, I still love Bungie and will play destiny an absolute shit ton. But when you're getting basically a full expansion that I and many others won't get to enjoy for a year. Its a tad annoying. Show less[/quote] Amen
Sony paid for exclusives, Sony gets exclusives. Sony paid for the year timeframe, Sony gets the the year timeframe. Microsoft pays for nothing, Microsoft gets nothing. It's nothing personnel, just business.
Oh! I see! It's basically Microsoft's fault for this atrocious let down... Thanks for clearing this up! :)
This ^
yeah i have an xbox one dont hate bungie for the timed exclusive blame microsoft. i know i am
Blame Obama...
OBAMA YOU DON F*CK SHIT UP AGAIN DIDNT YOU. And that is what came to my mind when I read your comment. XD
[quote]Sony paid for exclusives, Sony gets exclusives. Sony paid for the year timeframe, Sony gets the the year timeframe. Microsoft pays for nothing, Microsoft gets nothing. It's nothing personnel, just business.[/quote] Snap!
what about gow, i think thats only on xbox also.
sucks to be you
You need to get some sun, kid. I thought the Xbone community was the best ? Apart from a few sane people, the rest of you sound like a bunch of stuck-up, spoilt b***ards. Get your head out your arse. Halo had its time, you had everything. Time to move on...
Same can be said for Ps community