What you said about funding is a fair point if it is the case, but it doesn't take away our right to complain if too much is being taken from us. Whatever the reason for it, it is important they know the extent that it affects their community. Whatever the reason for it, it is an issue to the players, and we deserve some sort of response. Perhaps more importantly, the internet arguing among itself about why and how is far less likely to ever have a positive and edifying outcome than if Bungie or Activision or Sony just says something.
I ignored the first part of what you said because telling me to buy a different 400 dollar product is irrelevant and pointless.
Your right to complaint is not the problem... Blaming the wrong company is the problem... Its simple but you keep arguing on a flawed point... And Ps, Bungie and activision dont have to put out a statement that would put down the "integrity" of another company that does business with them.
If you have a right to complain, your certainly in the WRONG PLACE. At least try & understand how a forum works. You only post subjects related to the post in hand.
Well if you lead by example maybe you'll gain a few of those millions of players to do the right thing ;)
Hmmmmmm well said you win this one lol
Pmsl ! No worries. Looking forward to the release mate, not long now :)
Ikr Im debating on to upgrade to the digital or stay with the standard any advice
Im not sure... my Mrs preordered mine but the silly bat gave her own email address !! They rung her yesterday telling me to go in this Thursday 4th to choose a version, I don't think they (Game(UK) have ghost edition unless they kept some back ? They did mention 2x expansion packs for £35 or something along those lines but she told me she didn't really pay attention !!! She doesn't get it... THIS IS DESTINY !!! She should have recorded that call or at least written it down !!! LOL
XD lol. Yeah ok pretty sure there is no more Ghost Editions anymore unless they are keeping some back for special events or time
I managed to get a Limited Edition upgrade from standard edition buddy, the Mrs loved the price as well, hahahahah
XD NICE me I'm upgrading to the digital today hope you have a good time guardian
You too buddy, I'll need it as I'm going to be a lone wolf by the looks of it... (PS4)
I don't think there are any left either, I bet its the £80-90 one they are on about ? We'll see...
Nothings been taken away from you... your're just moaning about something that isn't worth a loaf of bread. Blame Microsoft and yourself for choosing the console you bought. You were given all the facts about the two consoles on release yet most of you fanboys still enjoy having the wool pulled over your eyes for some unknown reason ?
I am not moaning, I am stating my view, and this is exactly what this thread is about, that I was responding to.