This is genuine feedback. I'm surprised no one has expressed their "preferences" for bigger scale modes... maybe people are busy crying about time zones?
[u][i][b]The Numbers Game[/b][/i][/u]
[b]For the Tower[/b]
It is touted as a social hub, in your game you allow Clans to be up to 100 people. If you expect 100 people to interact with each other, shouldn't you facilitate and even encourage that interaction? We can see other people outside of our 6 man group so clearly the technology allows for more people there (up 16 in the beta).
Has anyone among the higher ranks in Bungie said: "if we have allow clans to be all the way up to 100 members, shouldn't we encourage those people to gather together as much as they can in the actual game?" I don't know, a community without a game can only grow so much and not everyone is a forum goer but ultimately: your game - not your forums - is what is going to hold people together.
[b]For PvP:[/b]
6v6 and 3v3 ... even HALO had 8v8 ... other games support 9v9 and 12v12 and even more with next gen consoles.
Now I understand Bungie has the creative freedom and their vision of their game and what they want to make. To be honest so far what I played the maps felt very balanced and they never felt neither too big so that you "needed" more player nor too small so that you needed less players in order to have room to breathe.
That said, it is surprising that no one inside Bungie has said: "What if we try to put more people in a game than we have ever tried before?" sure someone inside Bungie must have more than 5 friends they normally play with.
[b]For PvE:[/b]
Explore 3 Player: Why can I go and "freely" explore a world with 3 of my friends and even encounter other players within that same world but I can't group up with more than 3 of them.
Again, I understand things like Strike missions, even story missions that were designed with 1-3 people in mind, so adding more people to that will inevitably entail more than just allowing members to enter the game but when I can go into Old Russia with 2 friends and see other 3 man groups standing right beside me, them shooting at the same monsters that I am shooting at... that just means bungie doesn't mind that 16 people shoot at one little Fallen.
I understand all concerns with matchmaking, times needed to organize bigger groups, etc. but when the technology seems to be there I just wonder if anyone of the 500 people working at Bungie have ever voice similar concerns.
You dont need a 150 man Clan to get a few friends online, let's say 8 people on at the same time.... as it stands right now, if you have 4 friends online... just you and 3 more people on your friends list, you HAVE to play PvP because any other game mode announced so far (except for Raid) is meant to be played with 3 people.
I understand why Bungie is very adamant to let people call this game an MMOFPS, because among other things, Massive, is not a word I'd use in a world I can only experience with two other friends at a time. Even if Bungie is considering adding bigger "Game Modes" or "Massive" scale maps in the future via DLC (Expansion)... that shouldn't make much sense, fragmenting the player base with game modes that potentially demand more time to get going, etc.
Of course, I don't expect this to be "magically addressed" nor do I expect Bungie to come out and say "we'll fix this for you" but at least I hope that they read it and comment on it or if it has already been addressed, I hope one of you kind people on these forums can point me in the right direction to read their statement. Because it is really surprising to me that no one seems to mention this topic at all.
I'd be surprised if I was the only one thinking this...
Having clan specific towers is something I am interested in. The expansion of clans from 75 to 100 likely further buried this idea though. I don't see it ever happening.