Article has plenty of links to events and more details about why this past week was so terrible for gamers, but here's some highlights of what's happened in the last week:
1) A game designer's personal life was exposed to the internet, and used to justify physical threats to both the developer and her colleagues.
2) The PlayStation Network was shut down by a DDoS attack from someone who also threatened to blow up an airliner with president of Sony Online Entertainment onboard.
3) A designer's personal information and online accounts including banking information and other personal details were hacked into and spread over the internet.
4) A Counter-Strike player was SWATed at his school while livestreaming, prompting a lockdown of the school.
5) A media critic posted a video about violence against women in games and had death and -blam!- threats sent to her and her family.
I understand that people get passionate about things, but this recent wave of hacking and threats of extreme violence is making me ashamed to call myself a gamer. I know a lot of people are pissed off over Zoe Quinn, and Anita Sarkeesian has always had a ton of detractors but why all the escalation to this point?
This isn't so much about the content of our games but the people who play them. Are we contributing to a culture of violence here?
I hate hearing stuff like this. It makes me sad :(