Hello guys looking for a couple of Xbox One (Mature to an extent.) players. if you'd be interested in joining please message me back, whether on forums or private messaging. thank you for your time.
Edited by Derp Clouds: 9/5/2014 4:56:21 PMEveryone this is very important to do so, there's a group I've founded named Survivors Of Desuro and we need everyone in here to join it so I know who we got.
Xragebladex. .add me we will have fun =)
Hey dude Im a UK player. Feel free to add me on xbox live @ Closeremperor16 I play on Xbox one, if I am ever online at the same time feel free to hit me up for a game. And anyone else out there I will allways be up for raids once I get to the endgame content so again feel free to add me at the above gamer tag. See you sept 9th to fulfill our destiny!!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg0XfNG4QLbF0GeIewOIKqg Gamertag: Monkey Hercules
You know that's a prodigy in the making, me and you are great at this game. (I wish I could show you some clips I got but I don't got any :P) i'll show you my skill though when the full games out :) we should definitely role together in raids etc.
Thanks, give me a moment I just got setup for my mic to work.
I'm not on much only watch netflix but when Destiny comes I'll play
That's fine, a lot of people (including me) didn't touch their console so much when the beta ended.
L Gemini L Age: 22
Alright. give me a moment please.
This is my GT
Lol Thanks. give me a sec.
Add me, To0 Talented the second 0 is a zero
Edited by TO0 TALENTED: 8/29/2014 2:20:50 PMRepost
Alright will do, give me an hour or so getting my room set up for destiny.