Hey guuuuuuuuys! I'm good too thanks for asking haha xD
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Playstation/116135]i.Am.Me[/url] is a clan for anyone and everyone! We don't care about being the greatest but only becoming the best in being a home that accepts others near and far, good or bad, young or old we will take you in and adopt you as our own. We will cherish you and care for you despite the negatives.
So come join the party! We'll have lots of fun because that's what we're all about!
[quote][i]What defines who I am and what I do is through the finger prints I leave behind for i.Am.Me and only me - [b]MrKidentity[/b][/i][/quote]
It's official guys... Facebook forces me to download Facebook messenger.... I won't do it though! They have too much access on you personal information! I vote we find a new messenger app or something so we are not using the Facebook messenger app. Write me back and tell me what you guys think and what your encountering.... Thanks my other idea I guess is to just use this?