Having been born in the 80's, I remember the attitude people had about video games growing up. Most people didn't understand video games, especially adults. But, not fitting in with most people didn't really bother me much. I learned to live with it and embrace my differences. I accepted the fact that most adults and even most of my peers didn't really "get it."
Particularly, I remember being mostly ignored by girls and being told I was weird when I admitted to liking video games. Even to this day, to be honest I STILL don't mention anything about video games when initially asked "What are your interests?" by an attractive girl. The stigma still exists, though admittedly it has lessened over the years.
Today, I think we're seeing a new trend - girls are becoming a more active part of the "gaming culture" and embracing the same great experiences we had growing up. I love women...and I'm thrilled when I notice them taking an interest in the things I enjoy. I feel wonderful when I see my two nieces for example, playing video games like Skyrim, Sims, Mario and Zelda because it reminds me that they'll more easily relate to and understand boys who might otherwise be thought of as weird or too geeky.
Unfortunately, there's a downside to all of this. And that is that with the influx of women into video games, we're starting to see an influx of "self identified feminists." Not all women are feminists mind you, and to those who aren't feminists - I congratulate you! You're most probably an intelligent beautiful and wonderful person who deserves my deep respect and admiration. Bravo! Thank you for what you do.
However, it's unfortunate that the trend of feminism's influence over gaming is increasing. What does that mean for us?
It means that feminism is attacking games for not having "strong female protagonists" or "excessive nudity" or "violence towards women." Feminism is intruding on the culture of gaming. It's attempting to censor, limit or judge the entertainment consumed by those of us who call ourselves gamers. If it succeeds, video games will never be the same again. No longer will the content of our entertainment be determined by what appeals to us, by our rights as gamers. Instead, it will be determined by the coercion of feminists using political legislation, and social shaming. Feminists will use the threat of being labeled "racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, or bigoted" when someone says something they simply don't agree with.
And when men are no longer free to just simply be themselves...they'll eventually abandon forums like these. They'll slowly abandon video games altogether and leave the devices to women. They'll move on to doing something else, somewhere else. They'll go where they're free to exist without shame or censorship or oppression from the gynocentric perspective.
[i]Edit: Some of you are mistaking this as a direct call for action, or paranoid doomsday rambling on my part. It's neither of those things, more like a reflection of feminism on modern gaming culture (from the perspective of a non-feminist). I think it's important to combat the false narrative put forth by feminists. Also, some of you keep asserting "feminism is about equality between the sexes." While I agree that traditional feminism was originally about that, modern feminism necessarily evolves into female supremacy. If you disagree, I challenge you to name even one social or political challenge facing men today that modern feminists care about.[/i]
Edited by vIRL_Warlock: 8/29/2014 7:58:14 PMTo clear up a misconception people have, there is nothing wrong with true feminism. Feminism is supposed to be about the equal (not superior) right of women to men, and that's cool I'm down with the clown on that. What a lot of people have a problem with, that you have described, that a lot of women who call them selves feminist *cough* Zoe Quinn *cough* is Misandry. It's a word that popped up in the ninteenth century and it's the same thing as Misogyny, but with a woman being a culprit not a man. There's a difference between, "can a woman's body armor be more breast plate and less breast", and, "all men are inherently Misogynists and no matter what they say or do I'm right I'm the victim and the man -blam!- me by breathing in the same room as me". Your doomsday concern will never come to be though. At the end of the day all games are slaved to their narrative and story writers will always write the story they want and sorry but The Last of Us will always be best as a fatherish daughterish story and nothing says space marine like an impossibly large man with muscles so large he has no neck. Rather I believe we're going to end up seeing more diversity in games then an oppression of what we already like. More options are all ways good. As a bonus thought it's odd spell check knows what misogyny is but not misandry and I find this far more fascinating then I should.