originally posted in:Halo Archive
So what time will this be on in England? I'm getting varying answers.
7:00PM. PAX Prime is in Seattle. [url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20140830T11&p1=234&p2=136]Have a look.[/url]
Ugh.. So 2 more hours.. I thought it was on now, at 6 pm.
Doctor Who takes priority so I'm going to miss half of the panel. D:
Go Sky Hd on dat mother-blam!-er.
No tv, I've moved into my own accommodation and don't want to pay for a tv license so I'll be watching it streamed online because I'm naughty like that. Also, I've only ever missed 3 episodes of Doctor Who in my life (The Doctor Dances, The Poison Sky, and The God Complex), I don't intend to make a habit of it. ;)
Is this for uni? Why have you moved already?
Housing contract began in August and I was eager to leave home.
Ah nice one, I leave on the 12th of September and most people are leaving around that time haha, which uni you going to?
Already at uni, I'm going into my second year. I'm at Winchester.
Yeah I'll just be recording it (Doctor Who)