[quote]Dire Dragon Jul 25 at 12:14:03 AM Permalink
South Floodia activates all Shrek battle androids and they destroy every nation except France's infrastructure.[/quote]
[quote]Dyr Dragon 3h 44m ago Permalink
South Floodia offers 1,000,000 Shrek statues to each nation as a peace treaty. :)[/quote]
South Floodia is attempting to cripple the countries of the world. I take back my previous request and now ask for global help in punishing them for their attempted destruction of humanity.
Edited by Aegis: 9/1/2014 6:09:35 AMDire ≠ Dyr Not me bro. You can't judge me off of the actions of another.
Wow. I can just [i]smell[/i] the discrimination. Just because I look like him, you're treating me like you would treat him. Wow.