originally posted in:Manifest Destiniess
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Ok if I create a new account and make my psn accounts' region New Zealand I should then be able to pre-load early and play at 12:01 am New Zealand time zone because the 12:01 PST thing is USA only, other countries can play they're digital versions right at 12:01am in they're time zone! OK now let's say that first part is possible and from what I have read online it should work… let me know if I'm wrong! NOW can I then "game share" that New Zealand copy with my original USA psn account like I can with other games. And if so I could game share with myself and when it goes live in the states I could just switch to that psn account, log into my character and play now under my Eldentenoodles account! Only thing I'm unsure of is if I can game share with a New Zealand account, like if a New Zealand version is compatible with a USA platform and USA psn account! If so I could be playing 19hrs early. I know this may be confusing to read but if you know a lot about game sharing and also downloading games from other regions then please try and understand my question and if your confused please ask me to elaborate on what's confusing you! Thank you!
Based on what you're saying, it sounds like you're talking about a digital version of the game. I'm fairly sure that it's been confirmed that the digital version with have a global time launch, so anyone with a digital version cannot play early. I will edit if I find the source when I get home. If you have a DISK, however, you'll be able to play early because the servers will already be up before launch (also confirmed). So if you get it shipped to you early, manage to buy it early, or steal a copy from like Target to avoid the flags, then you will be able to play early. I'm praying that Amazon will send it out early to me by accident lol