This video shows a generous preview of the Dust Palace,ps3\ps4 exclusive timed content.
At .1:35+following you can hear the speaker telling you that the bosses will have specifics weaknesses,in this case you can spot em just looking their capes,as himself hints.
Watch it :D
EDIT: In this Strike Mission you can get as loot,probably on the hardest difficulty,the 2 exotic weapons, Monte Carlo and Hawkmoon,accordingly exclusive contents for ps3\ps4,
Edited by Ultron: 9/4/2014 9:18:45 PM2:13 u can see the famous blancedancer doing a bunch of nothing and about to die. Hunter are trash in PvE And Yes. If you played the Alpha/Beta that was old news ... if you didn't understand the "color weakness" .... well good luck in Destiny.