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originally posted in:The Resistance I
9/5/2014 6:14:32 PM

GT Motto and bio field Clan affiliation guidelines?

I don't like starting new threads, but wasn't able to find my answer. Working with and being parts of clans and alliances in the past, there was a requirement to show the membership/affiliation to said Clan. I have seen in a few other clanmates GT bio & motto fields some of the following. Motto :DoD Company Name Bio Dads of Destiny Company name Motto: Dads of Destiny Bio DoD Company name And variations of the above. I'm most likely over thinking all of this, but what is the Dads of Destiny clan view of this affiliation info in our GT bio and motto fields? If i completely missed a thread that contains the answer, please point me there and if this thread no longer serves its purpose ill delete it. -Foosa
#clan #motto #bio

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  • I went looking around the other DoD forums, and I couldn't find anything saying "YOU MUST DO THIS RARRGH!". So, nope. Sign up. Play. Grab some Clanmates and beat back the Darkness. The rest are just details, and I don't think any of us are glory-hounds looking to make a name for ourselves as an ultra-competitive Destiny clan. Enjoy the game. See you in the Tower, Guardian.

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