originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
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Just joined the group, will want to join one of the Clans once it's back up. I am a Central time player, looking for more folks on PS4. Highly interested in PvE, less interested in PvP, very interested in Raids. I play to have one of each Class, however Titan will be my primary.
Alpha and Beta got me hooked on Titan.
PSN ID: Asmati
Send friend request and keep an eye out for me on 9/9/14. I will be doing the same.
Welcome! Be sure to fill out the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/112045/66790097/0/0]DoD Registration Form[/url] so people can find you when this thread gets lost. Then look through the Reports section to find others on your console, in your time zone, or even around the world playing at the same time you are.