originally posted in:Guardians o Light
hello again guys, alright just so were organised for upcoming raids, I strongly believe it is important that we post our raiding teams here and who is in them. I would like all raiding teams posted here by the admins on the 20th of September, please tell me whether you think that is a reasonable time as well?!?
We admins are still running it too right? because if we are then yes we are set. However, it will take a day or two to get to be even close enough to try to get decent gear. so i propose that everyone play together get to know each others playing style to better enhance our skill as a team.
How will other members know what teams they should go with and how to meet up with them?
Allight my raiding team is set to go: WAR SCAR29 (myself) UniQ Kaos badmofus seadowns3 jakeojoshie J REMY86 ready for the ninth can't wait to see other raiding teams!