I've been looking for a list of people planning on streaming Destiny full time for a while but haven't found any that have been constantly updated and active so I figured I would start my own. If you are planning on streaming Destiny at least 10+ hours weekly after release on a regular basis, please post below in the following format:
Focus: (Pve, Pvp, Pvx)
Link: (Twitch or Ustream)
and I will constantly update this main post to create a master list. I intend on updating this well after launch so only active streamers will remain on it.
[u][b]l Chemical8 l[/b][/u]
[i]Focus: Pvp, Comp., Raid battle comp[/i]
[i]Link: [url=Http://www.twitch.tv/chemical8LIVE]www.twitch.tv/Chemical8LIVE[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Pve, raid, exploration [/i]
[i]Link: [url=Http://www.twitch.tv/nanokoi]www.Twitch.tv/nanokoi[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/pvp_pro_gaming_drtlove]www.twitch.tv/pvp_pro_gaming_drtlove[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/cyberpower97]www.twitch.tv/cyberpower97[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/yedemayeti]www.twitch.tv/yedemayeti[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Competitive PvP
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/ha7wirebrewsky]www.twitch.tv/ha7wirebrewsky[/url] [/i]
[i]Focus: PvE/Raid/Comp PvP
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/kojinto]www.twitch.tv/kojinto[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Pve, Raid, Exploration
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/noctis_lunard]www.twitch.tv/noctis_lunard[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: pve
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/zombieslikehugs]www.twitch.tv/zombieslikehugs[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: all around
Link:[url=http://www.twitch.tv/hoardergamer] www.twitch.tv/hoardergamer [/url][/i]
[i]Focus: PvE, Raids, optional PvP
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/hykcraft]www.twitch.tv/hykcraft[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: PvP/PvE/Raids and strikes
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/pix3lated]www.twitch.tv/pix3lated[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Mainly PvE, PvP
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/ProjectPrimeGaming]www.twitch.tv/ProjectPrimeGaming[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/Gunslinger2186]www.twitch.tv/Gunslinger2186[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around.
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/buchananx]www.twitch.tv/buchananx[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: PvX
Link: [url=http://www.hitbox.tv/nekoi]www.hitbox.tv/nekoi[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: PvE, Co-Op
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/thr33xgaming]www.twitch.tv/thr33xgaming[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: PvE, Strikes, PvP, and Raids
Twitch: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/Photonic_Visuals]www.twitch.tv/Photonic_Visuals[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/connerywastaken]www.twitch.tv/connerywastaken[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: PvE, story, exploration, and a lil bit of PvP.
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/giohdi] www.twitch.tv/giohdi[/url][/i]
[u][b]Gtgeek [/b][/u]
[i]Focus: PvE, Co op
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/gtgeek]www.twitch.tv/gtgeek[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Donations for Extra Life cause
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/gam3rs4liv3s]www.twitch.tv/gam3rs4liv3s[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All around
Link:[url=http://www.twitch.tv/ceest_ps4] www.twitch.tv/ceest_ps4[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: All Around
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/willy_ums]www.twitch.tv/willy_ums[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Competitive PVP / Raids / Exploration.
Link:[url=http://www.twitch.tv/faitzizme] www.twitch.tv/faitzizme[/url][/i]
[i]Focus: Campaign, Strike, Explore, Raid
Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/kazhooulte]www.twitch.tv/kazhooulte[/url][/i]
Edited by Trigga: 9/12/2014 4:07:38 AMName: Trigga Focus: PvP [url]https://www.twitch.tv/Top1Trigga[/url]
Name: Pheanic Focus: Mainly PvP and group plays such as raids. Link: http://www.twitch.com/Pheanic PS: And even to do something new my girlfriend will play sometimes too!
Name: Sir Fatal Focus: Mainly PvP and Competitive playlist Link: http://www.twitch.tv/sirfatal_/
KaoTsu Focus: All Around Link: [www.twitch.tv/kao_tsu]
Focus: Campaign, Strike, Explore, Raid Link: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/kazhooulte]www.twitch.tv/kazhooulte[/url]
Faitz Competitive PVP / Raids / Exploration. http://www.twitch.tv/faitzizme Also will be doing giveaways.
Edited by Willyums: 9/8/2014 5:49:47 AMWilly_ums Focus: All Around Link: www.twitch.tv/willy_ums
Bump for great justice.
Ceest Focus: pvp, pve Link: http://www.twitch.tv/ceest_ps4
I'll be too busy PLAYING the game.
Guys! Add me in XB1 (GT: DrTLove17) for a chance to be apart of the 12:01 PvP_Pro_Gaming Launch Fire team stream!... follow me on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/pvp_pro_gaming_drtlove and auto qualify for a guarantee to be featured on the stream! IT'S ALMOST HERE!!!
What's the point when everyone will still choose one of the top streams to watch... I've tried streaming countless times with 3 viewers being the best...
Edited by Bearock the Horned Exo: 9/7/2014 7:03:29 PMAt launch 2 of my friends and I are doing a 48 hour charity run PvE style gameplay. Come and watch but don't forget to donate. Thx guys You can donate here if you want :) https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=94805
Gtgeek PvE, Co op Www.twitch.tv/gtgeek
Figured i'd thank you again for doing this. So thanks again!
You uh.......do know PvP is competitive right? No need for the comp on them. And Raid/strike/PvE is not competitive, it is co-op. Just to let you know ^_^;
Edited by Ronin_Vibe: 9/7/2014 1:44:40 PMIf I can figure out how to set it up on a new ps4 my twitch username is Photonic_visuals , I plan to play a lot since I didn't take any job offers for this month. I'm focusing mostly on story/strikes first with PvP when friends are online, working my way to be able to run raids, so by the time I get to that level I'll search for others who are willing to do raids and most likely join a clan of serious raiders. I was a pretty hardcore zombies player so I know I can take 5-6 hour game sessions. Focus: PvE, Strikes, PvP, and Raids Twitch:[url=http://www.twitch.tv/Photonic_Visuals] www.twitch.tv/Photonic_Visuals[/url] I also just added this thread to my favorites so I can watch others when I can't stream!
[i][b]Thr33XGaming[/b][/i] Focus: PvE, Co-Op Link: http://www.twitch.tv/thr33xgaming
Neko Focus: PvX Link: http://www.hitbox.tv/nekoi Going to be starting 6:30-7:00am on the 8th probably go for 24+ hours before sticking to my written schedule.
updated again :) few more to the list
Edited by Project Prime: 9/7/2014 3:51:13 AMProjectPrimeGaming Focus: PvE, PvP www.twitch.tv/ProjectPrimeGaming Will stream PS4 with Comms daily :)
Throughout the first week of the beta, I enjoyed watching BamaIAMRice.
Pix3lated Focus: PvP/PvE/Raids and strikes [url=http://www.twitch.tv/pix3lated][/url]
Synergyex I will be streaming well over 60 hours a week fir the first to weeks then down to about 25 hours a week after
www.twitch.tv/hykcraft Focus: PvE, Raids, optional PvP
Edited by Hoardergamer: 9/7/2014 12:44:17 AMHoardergamer, focus: all around, twitch.tv/hoardergamer