ExOGenesis founded on February 2014 by ExO Emperor 7, and ExO Reaper 7 is now currently recruiting like minded and friendly guardians 13+ for our new Destiny battalion! With 700+ members and active forums you will always have someone to play with and never feel lonely or left out. To join is simple. All you need to do is register on our website and put [b]ExO Emperor 7[/b] as your referrer. Once thats done i will place you in the Destiny battalion and from there you can request to join our Destiny clan and get ready to meet loads of new gamers! I myself will be hosting a exclusive ExOGenesis launch event for Destiny! i hope to see you guys there.
Join us "B C Mafia" We are competitive and laid back. we love to win and want to explore the world of Destiny! If you are alike and have a Xbone.. Join us (: