Pointless Polls for fun.
I've done the others to experience them but Jack is my canon romance.
Lol @ Samara with ZERO votes.
Tali obviously. ॱ॰⋆(˶ॢ‾᷄﹃‾᷅˵ॢ)ӵᵘᵐᵐᵞ♡♡♡
Edited by Serin Palmer: 12/16/2014 4:02:33 AMHarbinger [spoiler]Kill Ashely first chance you get Go for Tali or Kelly or Jack. Asari are creepy[/spoiler]
Tail and Ashley.
Miranda I don't see what people see in tali
Does anyone remember the several page long post on the mass effect forums where someone broke down, using real science, charts, graphs, and more knowledge than most of us have about anything, to describe what Tali's sweat would smell like?
First time through, I went liara. Second, I went Miranda , third I went Tali. But liara tho?
Edited by LordFarquaad690: 9/7/2014 2:47:33 PMFemshep+Traynor+Miranda=^^
I always go with Miranda, though that wasn't always the case. I went with Ashley in the first Mass Effect.
Tali was mine, I <3 that Quarian
Edited by YxolloxY: 9/6/2014 9:39:10 PM.. all of em ofcourse..... sheps virility can't be contained by a single woman
>MaleShep Femshep is objectively better.
Miranda <3
Liara is the shit