1. How many exotics per weapon/armour type?
2. are sparrows customisable in any aspect other than colour?
3. How will destiny deal with most missions sending you to the same areas with different mobs?
4. why cant the shaders be used on individual pieces of armour?
5. how big is old russia? I didn't play the beta
6. how many guns/ armour models are there?
I am getting the game at launch regardless but I would like to hear your thoughts
Can't answer all of them for you but I'll do what I can. Sparrows are customisable in terms of speed, manoeuvrability and durability. For missions in the same areas and different mobs, the overall area remains the same but the missoom arwa needs to be entered, there is where you will find the different mobs. It is tricky to explain I apologise. There is only one shader slot, not sure why but that just happens to be the case unfortunately. What we could play of old russia was fairly sized. I'm having a hard time thinking of a descent comparison but I guess you could say it was a bit bigger than the second level of halo ce. Though there were a few areas I found that you couldn't get to in the beta. There are 4 primary type weapons 3 secondary and 2 heavy if I remember rightly. Though each of those weapon types come with their own perks and custom parts. I became very fond of a scout rifle with a very particular holographic scope. All in all if you liked halo and liked games like borderlands then you'll probably get on well with this.