Awesome! Hmm, this gives me some ideas. I do have a torn up scarf from last Hallo's Ween I could use and some old gloves. And boots, I have boots! Dang, now I'm getting into this idea! I might just do that! Sadly I can't afford a helmet or chest pad and shoulder pads, but it might look okay. Think GameStop would be okay with an empty airsoft pistol?
I saved up for the chest around and visor, and they cost ~$100 altogether. Ebay's your friend for the chest armour, as it's a 2nd hand Motocross jacket with plastic armour on it. With the visor, search around for a Proto FS Switch paintball mask 2nd hand, you'll usually find them on Paintball forums like P8nt, or go for a Snowboarding visor. Careful with the pistol, make sure it's marked up as a prop so nobody freaks out.
Alright thanks! I might not have enough time, or money, but I may have some old knee and elbow pads I could paint. It's very prop like, but I can remove the cartridge and maybe just wear it for a few minutes, then lock it in the car.