Now I live in south jersey and my towns a fairly normal sized town. What I wanna know is where the -blam!- are all these destiny players at living in my town? I mean 800 preorders for a small town in nj? Proof destiny is gonna be insane. I never doubted it though
I grew up in a town of 250 people D:
I am so very sorry for you. Not because you have to deal with all the other pre orders, but because you live in NJ. My local GameStop is only expecting 60 or so people for the midnight release. Shouldn't be bad.
people may have to wait an extra 3 4 hours to play with digital but by the sounds of that line people will be playing quicker with digital
I live in north jersey. Better not be -blam!-ing 800 people at mine I'll kill myself
Wooooooohooooooo got a number 1 for my GameStop release. In 6 hours in will be one of the first people in and out with my game. 799 people can suck it
I wonder what parking is going to be like
Canada here and our midnight release is expecting 350+ people at my EB, that's for midnight alone so we're going early to get in line.
We have two store locations here, the one I frequent is expecting more that 600. The other location has around 700 preorders. This is going to be the next gen selling machine. Probably change the genre. There will be so many copy cat games after this.
DUDE I live in South Jersey too! 856 represent.
I heard USA had alone 2 Million Pre Order. . . im from Europa (South Germany) so i wondere how many here pre ordered it... The Town i am has 300.000 People . . . how many has your Jersey ?
Where in jersey exactly!?
Sigh....dont worry game stop will make sure that u dont get ur game to 3 am because of their stupid games and shit they do every midnight release
Not to say that all 800 people would be going to the midnight launch, but this is why I went digital for Destiny. I'll be sitting in the comfort of my own home, and more than likely playing Destiny before 3/4 of those guys.
I'm in south jersey too man.I skipped out on the GameStop release....screw that,I just ordered mine off Amazon.
It sounds like someone wants to sit upon a throne of Destiny boxes...
Unspecified reasons *insert your best guess here everyone* Let's get this started people! I think he is a child molester under investigation!!
I have been to two Gamestops: one had around 500 pre-orders; the other had around 250.
500 at my local gamestop they said last i heard lol. They figure about half that for the midnight release
I hope there isn't that many people at my GameStop where I live lol.
At the gamestop I go to they are expecting 1k+ people.
Edited by Cyanide: 9/7/2014 11:02:27 PMWhat town in south jersey....? Because I'm from there.
Meet them in the line :) gather your fellow guardians :p
You better hope your at the front of the line you'll be waiting forever then have to wait longer to download it :/
That's really impressive! where did you find that out? Is there a way I can find out how many my local gamestop has?
Dat line gonna suck
Have fun in that long ass line