Destiiny needs prone so you can dropshot. It's not realistic if you can't prone cuz how can you hide in the grass then.Guardians can do magic but no prone. That's stupid. Let's tell diejj everyone so they can add it. It's a artsy fix
Now hang on one second, all you naysayers. I think it would be a decent idea. Think about this, the developers of the game wanted us to enjoy the combat just as much as the scenery and the role play experience. Now, if I you are able to go r-prone, ( essentially laying on your back) you could watch the clouds, or star gaze, without a gun in your hands. That, would be an awesome addition in my mind. Secondly, I could see prone as a good idea for use I. "Explore" games. The pvp arenas are too fast paced for "prone" prone players. After all, how cool would it be to be able to go prone and pull out a pair of binoculars, (you could even do this in crouch, I wouldn't care either way) and recon an area up ahead for your team mates.