originally posted in:Platinum
Hey Everybody!
I just want to say greetings to anyone who wishes to join this clan. I do encourage that you follow me on Twitch where I will be broadcasting various clan activities as well as being able to interact with other clan members and organize groups. This clan is for you guys so you can play with other trophy hunters. If anyone has the ambition to be a clan officer who can organize events, let me know.
[b]Twitch [/b]- http://www.twitch.tv/ps4trophies
[b]YouTube [/b]- https://www.youtube.com/user/PS4Trophies
Hi just joined still a bit of a christmas noob (not raided yet ) but eager to learn from some experienced raiders.. Currently still debating on if im gona get the dlc but as Im hooked on this damn game Its highly likely Im gona invest.. Anyhow hope to gain some trophys with some of you guys catch you laters
Lvl 32 titan psn greven1109 please add
Edited by Carlitzick: 1/23/2015 2:29:07 AMI'm new to the game but happy to join! I'm looking forward to get the Strike trophies soon with you guys! My PSN is Carlitzick!
It's this ps3 as well or just ps4? I'm looking to platinum this game but non of my friends are experience enough to do the raid flawlessly.
Mrs_June_Fisher on PSN. Thank you kindly for having me in your lovely group! I cannot wait to go on "raids" and"strikes" with each and every one of you! Now, I might be a 73 year old grandmother of 11 who runs the weekly bake sale at Our Lady of Perpetual Incontinence and has not one but TWO artificial hips (as well as quite the sweet tooth!), but I that doesn't mean I can't straight up curb stomp any ratchet fool who thinks he can step. In the video game dear, of course, in the video game.
Can I join the clan I'm a lvl 27 hunter soon to be 29
Hey my PSN is Thrakazod, I'm currently a level 27 warlock very much looking to do Vault of Glass, the weekly nightfalls, etc.
Can i join the clan? Lvl 27 titan psn ninja_rua7
How do we join this clan? Add me wanting to raid any other clan stuff. Hyoton1 is my psn
Can I get an invite to the clan. psn- JKIRK69
Add me :) psn Billerjr
Add me everyone. PSN: HeliosMaximus
Add up Sanjar-Emirates on PS4
Hey yall add me on a ps4: Izzy014 up for strikes or whatever
PS4 - PSN = California_Vato Typically only play from 7am-Noon EST except for Mondays and Tuesdays. Go ahead and add me with a message letting me know you're from the clan because my sister uses my account and gets tons of friend requests for being a girl, lol... Thanks!
Hey guys add me my psn is caprimania so I can play with u
Add me ps4 illustr8dgorilla only just started
I'm up for raids on Xbox 360 gamertag being RankthePredator
Happy to join =) Will have the game in a few days!!
Whats you psn id ps4trophies?
Happy to become your solider
Love your videos of PS4_Trophies whenever I'm stuck on a trophy your the first I go to man, keep up the great work! Let's kick some ass guys, Platinum will be recognized and we will strike our enemies were it hurts the most. Let's make history.
Time to kick some ass :) PLATINUM FTW!
Let's do this Brian My body is ready
glad to join!
hey brian, i still don't have destiny but im going to buy it... my parents gotta go to work and i need someone to come with me 'cause im not old enough to get the game and in swizterland that is bullshit...