[u][b]How many Veterans did NOT Get their 8 Veteran Emblems?? BUNGIE Please Help Again! -UPDATED-[/b][/u]
After making such a popular thread - [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/99100/68777193/0/0]8 Exclusive Emblems for Bungie Veterans - Revealed and How to Obtain!! -UPDATE #5!- Bungie Overlord Responds![/url]
In which after hundreds of comments - the[b] Overlord of Bungie.net Achronos [/b]- responded and answered our questions.
I am [b]EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED[/b] to announce that I got exactly
of the emblems I earned.
I know Achronos said theres nothing they can do about missing Shield emblems, but having
is simply unacceptable.
[b]-UPDATE-[/b] You may have gotten[b] Inner Circle[/b]. This is part of the limited edition. YOU PAID FOR IT. It is not [b]Inner Chamber[/b], one of the Veteran emblems.
[b]Bungie, please look into this.[/b]
[b]- [i]True Reclaimer [PS4 True_Reclaimer][/i][/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/99100]ReClaim Clan[/url]
[quote]"Rise. Raid. ReClaim." - [url=http://www.reclaimclan.com]ReClaimClan.com[/url][/quote]
I got Founder's Seal, Sign of the Elders, and Pathfinder Sign. No Inner Chamber (I have played Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, and Reach). Also not sure what my bungie.net status is, how do I find out if I have Heroic, Mythic, or Legendary status?
UPDATE - SneakerNet Temporarily offline for maintenance. SO maybe they are fixing it?
Check this forum. http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/69028312/0/0
i got Sparrow and 1 Emblem they are both named (Veteran gift or something like that)
Edited by An Eagle Flying A Blimp: 9/10/2014 1:30:04 AMI got the Pathfinder Sign. Nothing else yet. Expecting the heroic emblem and the one for the alpha lupi event
I've only gotten Pathfinder... I should at least also have The Inner Chamber, Song of Spheres & Shield of Heroes... I really hope they look into this and find out what's going on...
Edited by CK97: 9/9/2014 11:46:26 PMI didn't get mine when I first logged on, but the second time I logged on, I checked back and all my emblems were there waiting for me.
I seem to be missing the Inner Camber (as a lot of people are, it seems) and the Pathfinder Sign (as I've been on the bungie forums for 6 odd years) Some news on why we haven't gotten them yet or when we'll get them would be great.
I got the ones I cared about... My heroic and legendary emblems were there.
Just in case, everyone go to Tess Everis, Special Orders. I just noticed I in fact have all the emblems I qualified (minus the 4 out of 6 games)
I put up a post on how I found my missing emblems, shaders, etc. Look for my post.
I got it. One of the first things I saw. BUT BUNGIE HOW CAN I HAVE A BUNGIE.NET ACCOUNT WHEN IM LIKE 7 YEARS OLD?!?! I didn't even have Xbox live on the original Xbox. Played the shit out of halo tho.
I haven't seen any of the emblems yet. Fingers crossed. Does anyone know how to check how old our Bungie accounts are? I know I've had my account since some of the old Halo days, but I don't see that any where.
Odd, I remember Achronos saying that if you didn't have them when reaching the tower, there was nothing that could be done anymore, yet people are reporting the emblems popping up later on.
Got nothing
I've gotten everything except my Inner Chamber emblem. I'm sure it'll pop up with time.
I didn't even got pathfinder :\ (3 year registration)
Edited by Rollam: 9/9/2014 10:39:37 PMDid not get my emblems either. Did the console restart as well as renewing my licenses. Did not work. At the very least I should be getting the inner chamber
I got all my emblems, thank you sweet monkey jesus. Currently rocking my Mythic emblem. It sucks that it isn't working for so many others.
I didn't even get Pathfinder...lol! I'm supposed to have Heroic and Pathfinder..
Im a bungie.net vet of 4 years, and I got none of the emblems
Seemed to have gotten path finder, but I didn't get inner chamber or shield of heroes, which I was supposed to of gotten. :|
Got my Shield of Mythics just now, I'll be wearing this proudly for a long time coming!
I should've received The Inner Chamber and the Pathfinder Sign, but have received neither.
Edited by Nedus: 9/9/2014 8:08:38 PMDidn't get Inner Chamber, but got everything else (except Mentor, obviously). Odd, considering I have Halo 2, 3, ODST, and Reach on my profile.
Just finally got them on X1 ! Yes!!!