Time, is not real. Time is relative, a prospective property of a human created law of physics. Imagine when you are sitting in class and there's 10 minutes until you get out. At the end of class you might say that the 10 minutes felt like 2 seconds when someone else would say it felt like an hour...now apply that on a massive scale...to a year...to a century even. When babies are born they do not know time...in every doctors office there is a clock that ticks quite loud if you actually choose to listen. As a newborn your mind is firing off learning new things...one of the first things you learn is time...for the clock is the only steadily occurring noise in the room. Wen there's a clock in a classroom you may not notice it until someone points it out...if you lived in the city for a long time you can relate this to the traffic outside...you never really hear it util someone points it out or it is loud enough to make a difference. We as humans are programmed to these type of things....now I'm not saying time isn't real...but in a sense "real" is only relative...once you learn to live in the complete moment and let the past and future leave your mind you'll start to notice things that you did not notice before...although the word "now" is also only relative...maybe the universe created the aspect of "time" to keep everything from happening at once...which could mean that when you can travel deep enough into the present moment...everything that could happen...everything that will happen and everything that did happen...is happening right "now"
How can time be real if our eyes aren't real.