Don't ask.......I'm more of a server and a backup guard.
Do they get much need for you and the other guards here?
Recently not much, not many activity here.
I'd say that's too bad but that means less desticles. I was also wondering why they let a cat hand out drinks.
Hey. That's Quarian Cat for the record.
Excuse me. What happens when you get called a suit rat? Do you eat yourself to prove a point?
I stab them. *pulls out Omni-Blade* Repeatedly.
Ah *says while staring at omni blade* I see. Seems like an effective way of dealing with things. I would hate to be the person who calls you that. Totally haven't called you or other quarians that. That would be rude. Well-thanks-for-the-drink-got-to-run-bye. *runs*