Please if you're getting this error post in this topic. No stupid remarks about get better internet or other childish remarks. I'll start off.
Xbox one - wired connection - ports forwarded - open nat - no problems on any other game.
I don't want to be the one to say this but I went and bought a new modem/router(DSL) just plugged it in and no errors for the past 5 hours in the pvp which I couldn't play at all before. Don't know if that means anything but it seems to have taken care of me.
[u]UPDATE 2[/u]
I've been asked a few questions so I thought I'd do another update with my settings
I switched from a netgear combo unit supplied by my isp to an Actiontec GT784WN wireless N DSL Modem. Like I said when I first hooked it up I just made sure plug and play was enabled on the router and started up the xbox and destiny I went straight to the crucible and began playing and haven't stopped since, no more errors at all the only problem was that my nat type was strict. To fix that I forwarded the following ports
Port 88 (UDP)
Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
Port 80 (TCP)
Port 500 (UDP)
UDP Port 3544 (UDP)
UDP Port 4500 (UDP)
Port 3075 (UDP and TCP) *for call of duty
Ports 7500-17899 (TCP)*from bungie
Ports 30000-40399 (TCP)*from bungie
Ports 35000-35099 (UDP)*from bungie
I now have an open nat and no more errors and even though I suck I can play PvP. I really hope this helps this is exactly what I have done, I compared the settings on each modem/router and other than a few years difference in manufacturing there was no difference.
Edited by Mustard Tiger: 9/20/2014 10:02:49 PMSame problem Bee error. NAT is open and all ports are forwarded. I was fine just until recently, two days ago I get a bee error and I can`t get through a raid or a pvp match. Thanks so much Bungie. Every time Activision joins a company, it somehow turns to SHT. I hate you Activision. Somehow I blame you for this and Bungie read your damn forums and give us at least something to go by. Are you trying to fix the problem or are you just not going to address this? I would like to know if I should wait or just sell my game off and get some money back you a$$holes. Talk to your fans Bungie! We made you! Without us you would be nothing. Right now your giving yourself a very bad reputation. Look what happened to EA. Keep this type of stuff up and you will find yourself in the same boat. Bad enough I see that you already show us that you have two expansion packs for this game before you even released it. Way to send out a unpolished small version of a game so you can exploit your buyers into giving you more money. This has Activisions greedy hands all over it. I cannot wait for the 50 dlc's I'll have to buy for this. You sold out big time. I'm only so angry because you where a company I looked up to before this.
Edited by Mud Turkey 3: 9/20/2014 10:31:22 PMYou folks really need to get this sorted out. I was playing with my friends last night and ate 25 or so bee errors throughout the entire night. I would get booted, sometimes followed by a vulture error. Funny, xbox acted like I was still logged into the game after a bee booting. Regardless, I would reconnect, play a couple seconds just to get booted again. I've ate several today. Nothing like being right at the end of two strike missions only to get booted right at the end of the boss fights. I love that. I love getting the error right as soon as the Tower loads. But hey, I inexplicably was able to finish from the start a crucible match! That's new! If this is really caused by packet loss, you folks need to figure out to buffer it better. I would rather have 5 seconds of lag or re-synching than a straight out boot. I can play fine before the error with no lag. And no lag after the error (and reconnection), at least, until the next error. I play many other xbox one online games with ZERO dropping. On the same freaking connection. Why is it unique to this game? It's either on your end or your netcode's ability to tolerate dropped packets. This is what bothers me. Why is it unique to this game? Why do my other online games run with out constant drops? Again Ports are open Nat is open Wired Static IP DMZ Residential connection Baisc DSL, but my bandwidth monitors do not indicate that this game is using up the available space Nothing else on the network. I still get almost always bees. Sometimes followed by vulture. Mix in some lions and flys too. OH edit New wrinkle. I keep getting caterpillar errors now. Then I try to log in and get hit with CATTLE. That forces me to reboot everything. Because I can't even login.
I keep getting disconnected constantly with BEE. Please Bungie, fix this, all my other games work fine.
What I did is I just broke down and hardwired my PS4 to my router. I guess that's a better connection because I have had a problem since.
Add me to the list. From launch through Sat (Didn't play Sun) everything was fine, haven't been kicked once. Today (Mon 15th Sep) I have been plagued with all sorts of error messages including, but not limited to Canary, Bee, Manilla, etc. I cannot make it more than 5-7min without getting booted. Not worth the frustration or effort. Guess I'm back to SWTOR until this is fixed.
I don't think the ports are the problem. I just wish Bungie would at least make an announcement and tell is when the issues will be resolved.
I can't play Destiny because of this BEE error .....I fell really angry !
Got the bee, I think its obvious at this point it is not an issue on our end but theirs.
The issue it completely on Bungie's end. Plenty of us are knowledgeable enough to troubleshoot networking issues, properly set up QoS, and port forwarding yet the issues persist. GG Bungie.. GG
I just created my bungie profile for complaining about those -blam!-ing problems, i'm just tired of all of them, there are a lot, bee, fly, beetle, there is a new one everyday. If that wasn't enough bungie have not being the smart enought to make some "save" option, so if the game take me off while i'm playing i could go back to the last savepoint!! ARE YOU -blam!-ING KIDDING ME BUNGIE! My connection have no trouble with anyother game, i can play cod ghost with no trouble but Destiny screw my day.
Have the same errors as well. Same set up as most with networking and always run into bee and other various errors. Everything is stable on my end.
I'm getting Bee. I did'n have this problem before the update. I'm also an internet noob who cowers at the idea of opening up ports etc etc..i don't even know where to start with this...
I have all ports open and NAT open etc..... Get bee message even more now! I even get it playing campaign now!!! So sick of this. I spent hours opening my ports etc. This game should work right out of the box and we should not have to restructure our whole home connections. I think I am gonna send bungie a bill on the work i've done on my network ! DESTIBEE!
I have all ports forwarded, static IP, open NAT etc. still constantly get the bee error. I too don't get any problems on any other game including 64 player BF4, so if it is a packet loss tolerance issue......BUNGIE PLEASE FIX IT! Cheers
Can you guys post the consoles your having problems with either xboxone or ps4.
Edited by mr spooky: 9/17/2014 9:19:16 PMBungie is blaming it on user side packet loss. That's BS. 6 versus 6 multiplayer should not be more resource intensive than 32vs32 BF4 multiplayer. Destiny shouldn't require that much more bandwidth or hog up that much bandwidth. Something has to be wrong at their end or with the game's code. I can watch youtube videos and play BF4, fine. Gotta disconnect other devices and close all other apps on the console to lower my risk of packet loss on Destiny? Really? I'm still waiting for a solution. It's been over a week. We went from ilovebees to ihatebees bee errors suck
Getting Bee, Fly, Lion, Vulture, and Centipede though all the ports are forwarded as suggested. :-(
For the second time now I was able to complete a game from start to finish. I did get the warning sign 'Connecting to Destiny servers a few times' but the only lag I got was occasionally it took a few seconds for me to spawn after pressing X. Then when I tried again I was kicked by the Bee. I don't know if this is because things are getting better or if I was just lucky. Hopefully the former.
Still getting Bee and Centipede on my home network.
Going to just pass this along because it might work for some others. I've been posting it in several areas where people who are getting various errors have been collecting on the chance that it will help someone. I have been having problems all week, ranging from centipede, to lion, to caterpillar, and bee. The first time I've been able to play for more than 5 minutes at a time is today when I unplugged my wired connection and hooked my Xbox one into my wireless instead. I've currently been playing for over 2 hours without any issues. To be clear, I have also previously gone through all the steps everyone else probably has. I have set up a static IP, set up port forwarding as they have suggested, uninstalled and reinstalled, etc. It doesn't make sense to me that moving onto a less reliable connection has fixed my problems, but at the moment it seems to have done so. The errors had just gotten me to the point where I was so frustrated I was considering buying a new router, but I saw somewhere buried deep in one of these help forums that someone had tried this and it had worked, so I gave it a shot. It's not my favorite solution (I prefer to be wired for a variety of reasons) but until they fix whatever is causing this in the first place, even on good solid connections, it is a decent workaround. I honestly don't know if this will help anyone else, but I figure if there is even a chance...well, better to mention it. Good luck!
soory but its fine to now its not me. Me to BEE errors alover the place. If its take to long, i'll return this @@ game
Constantly getting kicked off with with bee status codes, hoped that new update would lessen the frequency of them at least, if not fix them but no luck.
I was soloing the strike required for the last part of the exotic bounty to get thorn because my friends are busy. I damaged the wizard I'm supposed to kill to half health. Just as I was about to finish it off....BLAM!!! BEE STRIKES AGAIN!!!
Edited by LURKOVIC: 9/16/2014 11:25:02 AMI'm getting a lot of errors as well. But I was able to play for a few consecutive hours today without one. The only thing different was that I wasn't in a PS4 party chat. Edit : logged in just now, joining a strike team. DC. #BEE I hate you.
Shame for the Zoo on my 100 euros game that i cannot play
I get a bee error every multiplayer match. Ports are open properly. This is so fxcking frustrating