Please if you're getting this error post in this topic. No stupid remarks about get better internet or other childish remarks. I'll start off.
Xbox one - wired connection - ports forwarded - open nat - no problems on any other game.
I don't want to be the one to say this but I went and bought a new modem/router(DSL) just plugged it in and no errors for the past 5 hours in the pvp which I couldn't play at all before. Don't know if that means anything but it seems to have taken care of me.
[u]UPDATE 2[/u]
I've been asked a few questions so I thought I'd do another update with my settings
I switched from a netgear combo unit supplied by my isp to an Actiontec GT784WN wireless N DSL Modem. Like I said when I first hooked it up I just made sure plug and play was enabled on the router and started up the xbox and destiny I went straight to the crucible and began playing and haven't stopped since, no more errors at all the only problem was that my nat type was strict. To fix that I forwarded the following ports
Port 88 (UDP)
Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
Port 80 (TCP)
Port 500 (UDP)
UDP Port 3544 (UDP)
UDP Port 4500 (UDP)
Port 3075 (UDP and TCP) *for call of duty
Ports 7500-17899 (TCP)*from bungie
Ports 30000-40399 (TCP)*from bungie
Ports 35000-35099 (UDP)*from bungie
I now have an open nat and no more errors and even though I suck I can play PvP. I really hope this helps this is exactly what I have done, I compared the settings on each modem/router and other than a few years difference in manufacturing there was no difference.
I have Destiny on Xbox one. I bought the game on release and had no problems the first day. Second day some problems came, I started getting kicked from servers sometimes, but was not such big of a deal. Yesterday the real problems came (Thursday). Yesterday I started good, but after a few hours I started getting kicked, more often the longer I played. The game kept kicking me with codes like "fly" and "bee". Around 8pm I could not even get on a planet, not even tower. I quit the game and it got better a bit later, with better I mean 3disconnects in a hour, that is "better" if I compare with how it was before... (Friday) Today I played in the morning it was same as the evening, later on the day the same problem came. The difference now is that I can't even get into the game now without being disconnected. The error codes I've got recently is: Bee, fly, lion, centipede, rabbit and Hawk. When I tried like a half hour ago I also got messages like "Not signed into a profile" and "no connection". It's so annoying, I really like this game and this problem is Driving me Insane! My NAT type is open and I have a home internet with ethernet cable. No other game have ever complained about my connection or kicked me from servers, so why are you Destiny?, Would appreciate help, thanks for reading...
Still kicked in every match...bungie come on, we want play in crucible.
Edited by Ragan26: 9/12/2014 9:15:11 PMStill getting kicker by the Killer BEE. I have open NAT and even ported the IPs from destiny, I don't get CENTIPEDE anymore, instead I get booted by the BEE. PLZ HELP!!!
Things seem to have calmed my end. Tho I've been playing skirmish so only 6 ppl :/
Xbox One, Wireless, Open NAT Cant get through 4 minutes of a game without getting kicked with the bee error. Also seems like if I get more than two kills in a row I get thrown (almost like I'm being punished for playing well)
Bungle own up - this is your issue, not ours...
Up. Fix this bungie!
I myself have been getting a few error codes, i havent yet tried the porting but what i have been reading from other posts doesnt seem to be helping. I only received that message when i was grouped up with two other of my friends and only when we were in a mission not the public instance. Not only have I received the BEE but also the VIPER message. Only game i have had issues with and definately not my ISP. Im cranking almost 60 Mbps download and 6 up.
Bee and many other errors on my side. Wireless - NAT Type 2 - Problems with Destiny only - PS 4
I've tried everything I can think of from resetting my router to playing at 720p. I even tried the 3v3 gamemode and that made no difference. I can't understand why it's so terrible, I can play Battlefield 4 fine and that's 64 players, I can play Titanfall fine and that's 12 players, so why can't I play Destiny?
We need to keep this topic at the top of the list of #Help until bungie addresses it formally because this is just nuts.
Bee, Fly, centipede + others. This is not just one item First night everything worked great, just plug and play. (not to many people on their servers or my network) Second afternoon it appeared the Bungie servers were overloaded and I kept getting booted every minuet. (to many people on their server) By that night it would run for 10 min to a full mission. (Bungie may have fixed a bug or added a server) The following night the intermittent getting booted was really bothering me. My network Nat 2, a motem, a router and wifi. I could stream a movie at 2 million bits or better but the game kept booting me. My wife was watching a movie via cat 5 and my daughter was watching a movie via wifi and this was really causing problems for my gameing So I made up a 50' cat 5 cable and plugged my PS4 directly into my router. My network still reads Nat 2 but the speed test went from 3mbps up to 16 mbps up and 5 mbps down. Everything works perfect. So try working on improving your network as you certainly have no way to fix theirs.
Same here. Played fine for 2 days. This afternoon all I've had is Bee / lion errors. No matter where I am. Tower / Strike / patrol or crucible. Ethernet, NAT Open ports forwarded etc....just get booted back to orbit withing a couple of mins of getting anywhere
I would like to play the game but I won't buy a new router for it. What I will do is: Get my money back and buy a new game which name is not Destiny!
well at first i was having a centipede error code when i attempt to play games. but now i have Bee error code instead. one problem solved but another created basically
Fix this now an own up to your problems like responisible company would
First two days of playing I had no problems, and put in extensive time. Then last night couldn't stay in a game for more than a few minutes, kept getting bee or baboon. Haven't had any problems playing other games online
Edited by Deezy: 9/12/2014 12:41:15 PMI have been having this issue since the beta on XBOX ONE. I went and purchased a new router (ASUS RT-N66U) and I am still getting a BEE error each time I play Crucible. Did you buy a new modem or a new router or was it combined(gateway)?
I'm too poor to buy a new router ha!
F#*% ing bee error code. Can't team up with people or even play crucible. Yes defeating big bosses and reviving retards 200 times is fun and all. But I wanna shoot some faces and get crucible points! Fix it! Fix it fix it fix it! Or ill make my own game called destiknee without the damn error code bee.
I found a solution guys. Call your provider and ask them what is your MTU packet size setting. Mine was set 1500 on router but my provider MTU is 1492. I set it 1492 and problem solved. No bee error. Hope this helps
Xbone wired connection open nat no problems with other games can't finish a game in the crucible
Edited by Blaubarschboy: 9/12/2014 10:30:42 AMi bought the game i dont want to buy a new router for this! And i am bound to my providers router (o2 germany)
Can't play crucible because of this
Up!!! Fix this stupid error, we want pvp!!
Same....NAT open, DMZ, bah blah. Bee alllll the time.