Please if you're getting this error post in this topic. No stupid remarks about get better internet or other childish remarks. I'll start off.
Xbox one - wired connection - ports forwarded - open nat - no problems on any other game.
I don't want to be the one to say this but I went and bought a new modem/router(DSL) just plugged it in and no errors for the past 5 hours in the pvp which I couldn't play at all before. Don't know if that means anything but it seems to have taken care of me.
[u]UPDATE 2[/u]
I've been asked a few questions so I thought I'd do another update with my settings
I switched from a netgear combo unit supplied by my isp to an Actiontec GT784WN wireless N DSL Modem. Like I said when I first hooked it up I just made sure plug and play was enabled on the router and started up the xbox and destiny I went straight to the crucible and began playing and haven't stopped since, no more errors at all the only problem was that my nat type was strict. To fix that I forwarded the following ports
Port 88 (UDP)
Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
Port 80 (TCP)
Port 500 (UDP)
UDP Port 3544 (UDP)
UDP Port 4500 (UDP)
Port 3075 (UDP and TCP) *for call of duty
Ports 7500-17899 (TCP)*from bungie
Ports 30000-40399 (TCP)*from bungie
Ports 35000-35099 (UDP)*from bungie
I now have an open nat and no more errors and even though I suck I can play PvP. I really hope this helps this is exactly what I have done, I compared the settings on each modem/router and other than a few years difference in manufacturing there was no difference.
Same....NAT open, DMZ, bah blah. Bee alllll the time.
Awesome, but unfortunately for me I tried 4 routers and none worked. I have ordered a new one that should arrive today but it seems a bit ridiculous having to by new hardware for just one game when everything else works fine.
Yep. I got this error once earlier today. I'm playing on 360. I've had multiple disconnects since I got the game. I usually get an error code and then booted from Live.
Xbone, open Nat, Wired, works in any other game. I get these errors when I join my friends fireteam (I'm in Europe and he's in North Americe) other then that, game works just fine
Same problem on ps4, i've tried opening all the ports bungie help and PlayStation suggest, static ip, dmz, changing Nat types, calling my ISP, wired and wifi.....still being stung by the seems random, sometimes I can go a good few hours and other times it's every 15-20 minutes or less, any info would be great besides the limited info on bungie help.
My system is a wired Xbox One with an open nat, all known needed ports open, and zero problem in any other game. What bothers me is how inexplicable nature of the Bee error. Sometimes, I play for hours in strike missions and nothing happens. Other times, the thing almost chain crashes to the point where entering the Tower is luck and stability once in there is questionable. There is never any noticeable lag before it happens. I'll be chatting with my buddies and fighting just fine and then bonk. It's like somebody yanks a network cord it's so sudden -- hilariously, I always instantly kicked to orbit and can immediately join my friends again. I'm in a rural area with limited options outside basic DSL, but it runs other stuff without major hitches. Stuff from MMOs to intensive FPS games. Sometimes the ping could be better, but I never get kicked from games. It's just bothering me. It's like the server loses track of me for an instance, and instead of buffering, it just drops you from the server or something.
Open NAT, all ports forwarded, and using ethernet. I can't play any crucible match that has more than SIX players without being kicked out ever 1-3 minutes. HOWEVER, I can play any co-op related mission, fireteam, strike, AND rumble / skirmish. Seems to be when there are more people directly connected I get this error? Can anyone else confirm they only get kicked out of crucible matches having more than 6 players?
XB1 wired Open NAT and all ports needed to be forward. Getting Bee constantly now and not just in PVP. Started getting Ferret >:L
same problem on ps4. it's frustating
Dat bee...can't even finish a crucible game...
i've got the BEE, too. Thats so awful :( It only appears when i am playing PvP - and that is my favorite part in those games. I opened all ports posted in the Bungie help site and all ports of Xbox Live but nothing helps (My NAT type is still "strict", but every other game is running like butter). PLEASE BUNGIE HELP ME! #Bungie #WorldDomination #Help #Bee
Edited by Daniel Rosie: 9/12/2014 4:03:06 AMXbone. Wireless. Open NAT. Ports forwarded. Xbone is in DMZ. Bee 4/5 Crucible games I play, frequently while respawning. I've also gotten it several times at the end of strike zones. North Central Indiana, Centurylink DSL. I frequently see the "contacting destiny servers" warning banner at the bottom of the screen while carrying on my PVP or PVE in realtime. I'm not hopeful that we'll see a resolution for this. It sounds like the resolution for Centipede errors at basically every university in the US is a patch for hardware on the schools' end. That's the wrong way to handle it. Meanwhile, they haven't even acknowledged this issue. They've designed a game that is exclusionary based on several network related principles (which Bungie clearly doesn't understand). I honestly feel cheated of my money, right now.
Beta fine. Day one fine. Day two............ 80% failure rate due to error code: bee. Mostly multiplayer but it expanded into story, patrol, and visits to the tower. Occasionally error occurred right before the end reward screen. This marked it as completed but skipped loot... This is the same game system and network that can play FF14 beautifully. End result: Rage Quit
I can never finish a crucible game at all, every time I always get the bee error code
Xbox one - wired connection - no firewall - open NAT - no problems on any other game; ever. Getting bee, lion and occasionally fly.
absolutely a shame! the 2 biggest game companies, and they cant get it together! spent so much time and money on this game, and it was a waste! error codes, disconnect problems, and game play is so annoying, it makes me want to give up my xbox 360 and all games completely! my patience level is very low, so I hope they fix this soon!
PS3 - Wireless Connection - Type 2 NAT I get mostly bee and lion. I got elderberry once or twice. Haven't had any problems with other games. I'm being patient, waiting for the problem to be fixed. After being so excited for this game and then being unable to play it properly, it is striking my nerves. I hope it's solved soon.
Edited by SaintXalzor: 9/11/2014 4:21:05 PMAdding my voice to the chorus. I play on PS3 and have tried the following: Wireless Connection, Wired Connection, Static IP, Ports Forwarded, Known Ports/Port Ranges Opened, DMZ, and even rewiring my whole network and moving around all my furniture so that I could connect my PS3 directly to my cable internet modem. Still getting error code bee during every game session (yes, even while connected directly to modem). Occasionally, I also get fly and lion, but bee is the main culprit. The game, at this point, is almost unplayable. Bungie's continued silence on the issue, especially given their acknowledgement of the centipede error, is discouraging.
Xbone, wired connection, moderate nat, CONSTANT bee disconnections. Cant play pvp, half of the strikes I try I get dced, mostly okay doing story missions but I have gotten one or two.
This is such Tom foolery!
The advice in this video helped me fix my myriad of connection errors. Basically turn off TCP and or UDP and or IP flood detection or protection in your routers settings. The setting in my Motorola SBG 6580 is labeled as being ip flood detection. Hope it helps.
I just had the best crucible match of my life and it decided to kick me off (Error Code: Bee). I'm seriously getting pissed now. All my friends are making progress but I can't finish a single match with anyone, sometimes not even by myself.
Getting same with a wired connection. Bee is the main one but every now and then I'll get centipede. Figure it out!
Xbox One, wireless connection, open NAT, static IP Bee is the most frequent error code for me
XB1, Wired, have tried setting static IP and forwarding ports. Doesn't make a difference. Never had an issue with other games on XB1, 360 or PC
Tried wired, wireless, opening nat and I've given up. I can't even play it. Really pissed off.