originally posted in:PLAYtheGAME
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It's a question that has puzzled humanity since the dawning of Aquarius, but here we still are, bemused by this once complex question, staring down the barrel of a nonce... Answer truthfully and you shall be rewarded thusly.
Some people claim that Laxx isn't all that bad, let me tell you, you're wrong. Here are some reasons not to vote for Chris in this coming election. 1. He WILL take all your sugar, every last bit of it, he needs this in order to create his underground sugar civilisation. 2. He'll steal your children. He thrives on souls of terrified children. 3. He'll try date your nan. Three of many reasons. There is only one way to stop Chris, a large supply of air cleaner stuff, spray him with that, he'll become so upset that he will be forced to return to the fiery depths of hell.