Ok, the clan name is Rabid Hamsters, but don't be put off by that if you read it and think, "...meh." (specifics will be listed at the bottom)
So... I am kind of a goofy player, and I'm looking for others who want a group to hang out and chat with while playing the game. If you're one of those who often dies because you're paying more attention to the conversation than the game, you'll probably fit right in. That doesn't mean that I don't care about game content, I just happen to be very laid back about it.
As for the people I would like to join up with... I don't really care about skill - you could be top 100 in PvP, or you could be one of those who only dying 100x in a match was a "good match" for you, doesn't matter; be a good sport, try to help your team, and have fun. I want people who just enjoy the company of the other players they are with. Also, I want people who like to join up with others regardless of what they are doing - PvP, strikes, patrols, or even out-leveled missions. I hate playing this game solo, and I'm certain there are more of you out there who feel the same.
If you're interested, please head to the clan page to sign up or feel free to message me here or in Destiny (PSN Mord-Maus).
Rabid Hamsters
-CST (USA), but any region is welcome (please speak English); I mainly play CST evenings, and sometimes very late at night
-Mics/headsets are a must; I realize some don't like to chat, but for strikes and eventually raids, it's nice to be able to communicate effectively
-Chatty (but not obnoxious) players preferred; just be polite and respectful of the others in chat (doesn't mean you can't be crude if everyone is cool with that)
-Grouping players preferred; I can deal with playing solo if I have people to chat with, but if we're all in the same area, even better
-Very casual; while I definitely enjoy strikes and public events (and likely raids when they open), I don't expect anyone to be a hardcore player, just to help the team
-Hardcores are welcome, but this is mainly a social clan so if you're looking for "world firsts" and those sort of achievements, you'll probably need to find another clan
-(and lastly...) If you have a PSN name that is a rodent, cat, or dog, and like a goofy theme, well... you might wanna check out a clan named "Rabid Hamsters" run by a guy named "Mord Maus" (murder mouse)
I will keep checking back here in case I miss anyone; I won't be in Destiny until a little later this evening though.