originally posted in:Casual Gamerz
Hi guys,
Anyone in Australian time zone wanting to play please add me.
PSN: Kavity01
Lvl 14 Warlock
Edited by AlphaCanisMajor: 10/8/2014 5:43:58 AMPSN AlphaCanisMajor Lvl 26 warlock Mostly a night time player If you are interested below is an aussie clan based on the ps4. [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/357755]Aus Guardians of destiny[/url] All levels welcome
I'm in Brisbane. Feel free to add me: Speshul_Duck
Any xbox one aus players gt crisby89
Add me guys lvl20 warlock PSN: Whubbsie No mic at the moment In Melbourne usually on 4-7:30 weekdays and random times on the weekend
Heya Kavity01, I get a fair bit of game time in, on Sydney time, but mostly late at night. On a fair bit through the day at the moment. Was fortunate / unfortunate enough to get struck with a respiratory virus right before Destiny was released, so I've been off work, ha. Will add you later tonight.
Hi guys, in Sydney. Add me newmonkeyboy