originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Level 24 Warlock looking for help with lvl 26 Weekly no mic GT: TWDTactAssassin
I'm a level 21 Warlock looking for some people to raid with. Let's party up! z AcidDrip z
Level 25 warlock with both subclasses leveled up just looking for a group to do the weekly and nightfall strikes and the raid when it drops on Tuesday my game tag is IxAmxForgiven hit me up with a request if you want to play
I’m a level 20 Warlock looking for someone to do strikes with. I’m currently attempting the weekly one
Edited by Viper15871: 9/14/2014 6:15:24 PMHey looking for people to do co-op with GT is Viper15871. Currently only level 17
Add my GT MaverickMcQ for some co-op on xbox one.
Level 20 Warlock just looking for a good group to do anything. Feel free to add SynAck.
Level 20 warlock looking for people to run strikes and crucible with. Gamertag: YoYoNoobz
GT WilsonXL - Lookin for some guys n gals for Strikes n Ledg Gear grindin. Add me if you're online for the rest of today <3 xx
Edited by Esjayel: 9/14/2014 4:25:20 AMLvl 22 hunter looking for people to do raids and strikes with, join group "The War Song Clan" for more info, preferably people from Australia... Gamertag: Esjayel
Add me of you're looking for a good time. :p LAWRO55 currently level 24 warlock. Down for whatever game play.
I'm a level 24 warlock. Looking for strike and raid team(s). GT is xL Diiluted and I am on all night PT.
Level 20.5 warlock, looking to play whatever, add me "El Reggo"
Gamertag: Aragoth Essence Character: Level 21 Warlock
Looking for 2 people to do weekly heroic strike missions currently level 22 Warlock hit me up if you interested, GT: Sempiternal 4o4
Level 20 warlock add me Gucci Tunechi will play strikes and crucible
Lvl 24 hunter. Gt GMFB xDYNAMICx
Lvl 24 Titan Defender looking for raid bros! Moneys1st is the gtag
If anyone wants to be apart of a 3 man fire team add me ~~ xbox nod daniielthebeast
If anyone want to add me, my gamertag is KyeB286 I'm almost level 20
Level 24 titan looking for people to do weeklys and raids with. Gamertag: Destroyer 501st
LvL 24 titan looking for people to do heroic weekly strike and vanguard playlist, gamertag is IamBearWarrior
Level 23 Titan (almost 24) looking for some people to run the Weekly Heroic Strike. My gamertag is STractor, just send me a message!
Level 13 warlock looking for fire team to do strikes and story. Gt AoA Rishka
Lvl 22 warlock looking for people to play strikes pvp and hopefully raids when they come out, feel free to add me GT: v D Luffy v