originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
My gt is johnam5 on most days, down to coop, mostly pve stuff preferably haha
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] I would like to join this group
Can you accept my join request
Edited by dethlordd: 6/15/2016 11:38:33 PMyes hello , I was on the lfg channel's today https://www.bungie.net/en/User/Profile/5614928 fsg shadewolf started spamming your clan all over the place , and after a few failed attempts at trying to get him to stop , he started to notice me and then started to lie about himself saying he was the founder yadda yadda yadda and said some rather stupid things like he did not care that he was spamming and that he didn't care what i did about it , i informed him that , that might not be the best of things to do , and he kept going , now i am not a mean person or anything but this got me a bit mad at the fact that he was a representative of yours and was acting like an ass to me and everyone else . just to inform you of what is going on in your absence . btw reported his id, your clan, and his spamming to bungie . have a great day . So not gonna respond huh ?? figured you would think your selves above us "lowly" people of the community .
Relatively new to the game and having trouble pulling together enough people for vault of glass on hard, I hit level 40 with my titan quick but am still only light 254. I'm usually on 8 pm est to about 1 am and would really appreciate some help with this and wrapping up some more difficult story missions I'm stuck on.
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] I really want to join this clan. Please accept me.
Need 2 for kings fall
Anyone up for a KF Normal from the start? Message me if you're up for it!
I need a new team. No mic needed but it is preferred. I'm a 293 hunter. This is for raids and quests.
Please adde, strikes missions and just soi have players to join me... Sitesfamilia
Need to do raid oryx checkpoint tell me your light
I need an entirely new team. Mics are not required but are useful. I have a lvl 28 Warlock and a lvl 28 hunter and a lvl 2 titan(been to busy to play her). Anyone is welcome. I need people willing to do weekys, nightfalls, raids, and daily story. If anyone wants me to add them. Just say so. Idc about gender, age, or character level.
Deej nuts
Need 2 300+ life for dark drinker exotic quest
Vault of Glass on 360 anyone? I'm level 31 Warlock, looking for 28+ please.
I really need to find people who need extra members for raids, most of my friends have gone over to the darkside on PS4. If you need help and I'm on send me an invite at irons0669! Thanks!
Xbox 360: Level 37 Hunter Need to finish last mission each on HoW and TDB, Also need to do VoG. Haven't done any raids yet. Haven't started TTK. Just want some folks to go through this stuff with that are willing to hang or are in need of the same missions too.
Hi Caleb!
Hey I'm looking for a raid team for Vault of Glass. Send me a message for an invite at MrWho408209
Looking for friends
Need help with black spindle. Light +280 will need help on 2 accounts.
I need help with doing Fear's Embrace.
Edited by islandhopper 55: 9/29/2015 9:31:19 PMmy xbox name is islandhopper 55 in a lv 27 hunter whith a light lv of 132 i would like to be in your can i just got destiny yester day i have all the expantions and you are going to have to msg through xbox live this account isnt linked whit my xbox
Could anyone pls licence transfer me the taken king on Xbox 360 please that would be really great. Gamer tag same as name
Looking for trials team on xbox 360! Inv plz.
Looking for any group tonight, needing to run fresh on all VOG and Crota raids and trials all on Xbox 360! Plz inv!! :)