originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Lvl 24 Titan looking for help to defeat Draksis for the queens wrath mission! Add me: StormyGas
Level 26 hunter Looking for Vault of Glass raids GT: Renegade 764
Level 27 Titan Looking for raid group. Add me, GT: mudShepard
Edited by paindora: 9/26/2014 10:14:26 PMLevel 26 Titan, GT: paindora1 and Level 26 Hunter, GT: Alcranky looking for group to play Vault of Glass
Level 27 hunter with both skill trees maxed, looking for raiders and people to do strikes with. Gt: Semmiebeeh
Is anybody interested in finishing the campaign from the moon? I'm a lvl 12 hunter I have no idea if I have a working mic. THIS WILL HAPPEN maybe Friday but for sure SATURDAY. P.S. I like to plan ahead
Hello all Îm hunter 25, i search some people for do the queen mission and other think. Add me : Chamaway Ps : îm French
GT: BleedMeWKD17 lvl 26 hunter need more people to do raids and queens missions
Edited by TheMagesglory: 9/22/2014 1:18:26 AMLvl 15 Titan. Just want some cool people with mics to play with. Running around, Story and eventually raid. Lvl doesn't matter. 360 GT: TheMagesglory
Edited by Hooey75: 9/26/2014 4:19:45 PMGreetings RT Fans! Hooey here...Level [b]29[/b] Hunter with both skill trees completed. Always happy to assist other guardians in fighting the good fight, veterans or greenhorns. I'm usually always online after 4pm CST, so if you see me in game, don't forget to bust a move in front of me so I'll know you're there. Happy hunting, and remember...People like grapes & purple engrams!
Edited by Kymon Lown: 9/25/2014 9:32:10 PM21yo UK Dude Lvl 26 Hunter. GamerTag: Kymon Lown Want to be able to do the higher level co-op content and to dick around and have fun :3 Anime fans extra welcome :P
I'm a lvl 16 Titan looking for some people to help me through the moon missions. When I first unlocked the Crucible, that's all I've been doing. Now, I want to carry on throughout the campaign but I can't do it without some help. - My GT on Xbox 360 is SeargentD0Nut p.s. I have a working mic
Hey Id love to attempt the VoG. Level 26 Warlock and a few friends 26+. GT: GraniteClutch
Im lvl 24 titan fully leveled striker and 1/2 leveled defender. looking for people to do strikes, raids, and queens wraths. have mic if need gamertag is [b]The Crayak[/b]
Hey I need help on the last part on my exotic bounty anyone willing to help me my GT is DottyBike on 360 am level 26 warlock
Im a level 24 warlock people call me a squeaker but i dont get how but watever Looking for people to play with my gt is Crazyadog98 We can farm PVP and or Stikes and raids
Hey I am a level 23 Warlock looking for people to do either Queen's Wrath of weekly strike I am Australian but I don't mind my GamerTag is Bad As Giraffe so add me Thanks : D
Looking for German Players Over 23,
I'm lvl 22, Sunsinger subclass looking to do the Queen's Wrath event mission thing. My gamertag is InwardChaos93 if anyone's interested.
need help? message me bra
How long does it take to get accepted in the rooster teeth clan
Anybody Speak Chinese ? please add me xbox360 ID: Old Eggs, thanks.