originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Hey! Currently a level 24 Hunter Bladedancer looking for friends for generally just good times but also want to try The Vault of Glass @ Lvl 26 so it would be great to get to know some players' play styles and loadouts to successfully take on the raid. Also keen for crucible matches too! 360 GT: direckt
Lvl 22 Titan need help with weekly strike
Hey watzup I am a level 21 titan trying to get legendary dead orbit gear and also have a mic let's play if u wanna play with me add me therealjbomb 😁 add me become legend with me
Lvl 27 warlock sun/void depending on the situation. If you need help with anything(I.e. raids, strikes, etc), hit me up. GT is same as username.
Hi, Im looking for new people to play with! I'm a level 24 Hunter atm and working on a Warlock as well. We can do Strikes, Crucible, and whatever else! Gamertag: Wusix Add me!!
Hey i'm a lvl 25 Warlock, with a mic, and pretty chill Looking for more friends for Raids mostly and to hang with while playing destiny GT: WolfxPack92
Any raid need a hunter ? Lvl 26 bladedancer. i captaink i
Edited by Origamilord: 9/20/2014 7:10:17 PMI want to first say that I am not trying to be that recruitment jerk spamming over forms with propaganda. I have created my own clan with a few friends, called Dinosaur go home, and we are trying to tackle the raid and we need a couple of warlocks to join. You don't need to be extraordinary but we would like you to have a mic and be respectful of over players .
Doing raid need help GT STAR Detox lvl 25 hunter friend me
Looking for people to add so I have more variety of people to do strikes, heroics and soon raids. Gamertag - Henry Riverbank Level 25 Blade Dancer/Gunslinger Hunter
On xbox 360 Level 25 titan just looking for a strike team to do the weekly. Just Add Metal Giratina I'm on and don't have anything better to do. I need my exotic piece! (:
Hi im a lv22 hunter and im looking for people who want to do the weekly strike :)
Anyone trying a raid soon? Level 27 Titan add me or message me gt: lordofjokes
I'm trying to complete an exotic weapon bounty. I need to defeat guardians in the crucible with void damage. +5 per kill, -2 per death. Unless I go rambo I'm never going to complete it. I was wondering if I could get a couple people to join me in free for all and let me farm kills until it completes. Doubt anyone will actually want to help a stranger out with this.. but figured I'd ask.. gt is Jester1194. Thanks.
Lvl 20 hunter looking for solid people to play with I'm open to just about anything no real preferences expect getting super sweet loot and having a good time oh and I don sleep much so other than work I'm normally on except Sundays and other nights football may be on GT: wasabiyaki please message in game if interested
Hi lvl 21 haribthebest need people to help in farming
lv 20 hunter on xbox 360 looking for people to play with and do weekly strikes and evetually raid. Gamertag: Torn Vengeance
Lvl 25 warlock looking for people to do weekly strikes with and eventually raids. Survivor0fREACH
I'm trying to do the exotic bounty for thorn could anyone level 25 or higher help me my gamertag is the same as my username.
LF anyone up for raids, strikes, or crucible lvl 25 titan and hunter in team already
Gamer tag: ribbler Lvl 24 warlock. Looking for people to raid and strike with. I don't mind grinding if needed, and am playing all the time.
Lvl 21 Titan striker looking for 2 for weekly heroic strike
Crucible. Xbox360. Level 12. Anyone fancy helping me collect bounties? Add me - Pwspi. And join my clan http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/334657 :-)
Lvl 21 hunter lf active players. GT: awesomegirlswag message me destiny pls. :)
Edited by Stan0Cubed: 9/18/2014 9:09:20 PMLvl 20 hunter w/ mic looking to do weekly strikes. Also, if anyone's starting out, I've got a low-level warlock and want to see how the story mode is with other people. GT is Stan0Cubed
level 24 titan gtag harborxghost looking for people to raid with and complete exotic bounty for thorn