originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
level 24 titan gtag harborxghost looking for people to raid with and complete exotic bounty for thorn
Edited by Spartan D66: 9/18/2014 10:09:16 PMLvl 23 hunter looking for some people to play with, pretty active and have a mic if that helps GT^^^
Edited by Friendly: 9/16/2014 3:50:17 AMYo, looking for someone who is at LEAST 14 has mic is chill is decent/good It would be sick if you are a hunter but anything is A-OK:D (also dont be all quiet and shit, me and my friend dont bite... people we dont know at least*_*) GT IS SAME AS ^^^^^^
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote]Looking for anyone 21+ to game with. I'm down for crucible,strikes, anything. I'm just trying to finally find some fire team members. GT: Talk Sick Mind Lets play!
Any raid going on for xbox 360 here? :) Hunter bladedancer lvl 25 i captaink i
Level 23 Titan currently. Looking for as many high leveled players as possible for the Vault of Glass raid and anything else. Message me on xbox live, 360 of course, or send a friend request to Jester1194
Hey I'm looking for a clan for 360 hit me up ssxxscorponok88 I need some help
XBOX360 need to find people that play Destiny!
Need more friends who play destiny regularly. Add Gt: aCYNICALsheep Right now lvl 24 hunter
Hunter 24 looking for a group to do the weakly heroic xbox 360
Je cherche des joueurs pour RAID je suis level 27 arcaniste ajouter Oiseausinge398
Edited by Vexx3600: 10/18/2014 7:35:11 PMI Need a Team for Vault Of Glass Raid Xbox 360 I am Lvl 27 Titan GT: Vexx3600
Looking to do the weekly strike, as well as the achievement where you do a strike as a clan, later today or sometime this week, my GT is the same as my user name. I'm playing as a hunter, level 24.
Edited by WaterFou1: 9/13/2014 11:07:05 PMLevel 21 Hunter, looking for a fireteam GT: WaterFou1
Clan: Depth of Destiny Admin GT:Regan 4491 Destiny clan for skilled Xbox360 players that wanna try to make a name for themselves and wanna help eachother in Crucible, Weekly Challenges, Raids and pretty much anything in Destiny
Looking for low level 360 teammates, lvl 3 hunter here
GT: Souljah Noob Lvl 20 Warlock and I'm game for pretty much anything (partial to Crucible). I have a mic yo!
Gt same as name level 9 warlock Down for leveling,strikes, patrols,crucible,basically anything Destiny has to offer.
Lvl26 hunter gamerTag iWackedUrWilly with mic
Edited by Bullet Friendly: 9/17/2014 8:02:27 AM
Started a new topic: lookin for groups
Edited by theerotictacco : 9/16/2014 10:19:31 PMWarlock 23-24 Always doing Strikes and Crucible. Looking for good teammates to preferably with mic but it doesnt matter if you don't. :) Gt: theerotictacco
Edited by Spaulding No: 9/17/2014 1:06:46 AMHey my GT is Spaulding No. I'm level 24 Titan currently and would enjoy some others to do some Co=op missions/strikes/raids. I usually play a couple of hours after work on the weekdays (more on weekends) and am in the Southwest time zone. On Xbox 360 only
Edited by Feandromar: 9/17/2014 3:01:59 AMLvl 24 Hunter, play every day, AEST. Add: Feandromar
Lvl 23 Hunter looking for destiny friends. Friend ANG3L IXI (<--- capital "i"s)