originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
hey, Play tomorrow? lvl 20 titan. Msg meh L3GACYxNoble6
Edited by Kysten: 9/13/2014 5:58:06 AMAlways looking to play Add me GT: Kysten I'm a level 15 Hunter
Lvl 23 hunter really good at pvp an pve looking for people to play with and have a good time.
Edited by tuba y it: 9/15/2014 3:37:25 AMHunter lvl 25 looking for another guardian to hunt with (i want to do the weekly heroic strike btw). WILL NOT DO CRUCIBLE MISSIONS
Um im looking for people to play with in PvE and/or PvP. My gamertag is Evil Ninja Bot
Edited by RenegadeDrolix: 9/15/2014 3:03:05 AMLvl 18 warlock Just looks for some casual play, some story mode, farming in patrols. Let me know if interested. Mic is on the way, so please be patient with me. I'm not the best player around but I'm good in a pinch when it comes to reviving my teammates. My user name is my gamer tag (RenegadeDrolix) Also if you're on the RT forums, come find me! EmbryKaida
Add Me: CaveLuis I PvP and PvE.
Level 21 Warlock here
My gamer tag is masking0328
Anyone want to play in level 26
Hey can you help me during strikes my gamer tag is ZENOWOLF118
Edited by Jonathan Dear: 9/12/2014 8:35:11 PMhow do i post? I'm kinda new to all of this :( also im gonna need some help, I'm doing a level 22 mission that had good rewards, looking for 3rd person to help me and my friend out, if you want to help, please message M3RC1FUL M3RC3R, i'll be very grateful, thank you :)
anyone up to do the moon strike with me? i tried doing it earlier but i didn't have enough time to finish.
Hey Caleb, im a lvl 7 warlock, just got the game, my gamertag is the same as my bungie name.
My gamertag is frenzajoy and imma lvl 20 warlock
lvl 24 hunter GT Teddyz1234 US East timezone
lvl 25 hunter, gt wickedcrossfire
I'm lvl 23 hunter xbox360 ZombieHippo any fellow cockbites wanna help me out?
Gt Denby87 level 11 titan looking for fire team for raids and patrol
Lvl 21 hunter looking for players to do strikes with hmu Gt FullerTUBBY
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] hey level 12 hunter looking for team, cr4zy handy
Lvl 23 hunter Gt: l MoTioNleZ l
Edited by Galaxy, Witness Devourer: 9/14/2014 9:21:24 PMXbox 360 Lvl 20 Warlock, plus I'll be making other charters as well in the future. GT GalaxyDoll I focus mostly on Vanguard bouties but play Crucible from time to time. Add me and lets -blam!- shit up.
Edited by Dexter27410: 9/14/2014 5:26:17 AMLvl 12 Warlock looking for a team to beat the moon strike and other levels on Venus reply if intrested GT:Dexter27410
cool, so bungie doesnt make halos anymore :(, well, at least there good....
Add me-iyo5hiii im up for anything lvl20 warlock. Down for raids, strikes and patrols. But im down for whatever.