originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Edited by BeastMonarch: 12/13/2014 6:50:17 PMLooking for vog players to help normal need 4 players mic helpful and message me
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] Need one more for vog msg to join
looking for vault of glass fresh start on normal
[quote]Looking for Crota CP or fresh Lvl 30 hunter on 360 Maxed mythoclast and halfway max Truth GT: UnfixedArm Send msg. Or prty invite NO GAME INVITES OR I WILL NOT JOIN YOU[/quote]
Can anyone help me kill xyor the unwed?
Looking for people to do vog on hard have to be at least lvl 30 and on Xbox 360. Message me if interested.
looking for someone to do expansion on hard. gt is EnragedVale01. msg to join
27 warlock Xbox 360 LFG to run night falls and VOG, hopefully run the new raid as well when I level up. Looking for some good teamwork and fun raiding. Send and invite or friend request. I'm looking for an evening and nighttime group. Eastern time zone.
Xbox 360 Raid Finder [X3RF] "The Official Xbox 360 Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/544299 Xbox One Raid Finder [X1RF] "The Official Xbox One Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/619636 - Now Forming Crota's End Raid Teams. - Join Today For Exclusive Xbox Matchmaking - 7000+ Active Users Daily
Can someone help me finish off my first raid tonight (approx 20:00 GMT). Someone helped me on Tuesday, and we got to Atheon Checkpoint. Would really appreciate it :)
Nightfall and weekly anyone ?
Templar CP (360) on normal. Mic, know what you are doing. 27+ Msg. UnfixedArm
Need 1 more people to do crota's End. Has to be at least lvl 29. Message me if interested. Xbox 360.
Doing fresh hard VOG on 360 Have a mic, be level 30+ I'm a lvl 30 hunter Msg, not prty invite, UnfixedArm
Can anyone invite me to a VOG normal. Level 27 Hunter. I've never completed the VOG. All weapons and armour are legendary, Exotic RPG and Chestplate . 360 GT is SneakySniper
Hello my name is Zach a.k.a. F34R ObliVIoN I am the founder of the alliance Harbingers of the Hive. We are looking for new very active forum and gamers for Destiny. I understand that destiny can be a game where you can get bored or irritated without friends, and I’m here to try my best to not let that happen to you. Below are some things that we do regularly, and would love to have some new players. -Raid (BOTH) -Strike Playlist -Daily's -Weeklies -Nightfall -Bounty Hunters -Crucible -Story Our group has been active even before Destiny came out, even before the Beta came out, and yes even before the Alpha came out. So you can pretty much guess how we have some pretty experienced players. Our group is actually in need of some help with admins right now, I’ve been noticing the lack of participation they have in the forums and sometimes in the game, so I want some new management to get our forums back on track. I want at least 5 new admins who are always on and always want to help out other members and bring new members in. Remember this is not just a clan or a group, it’s a family as well, you treat others here as you would treat your own brothers, with the upmost respect, and gratitude. If you are interested join quickly while we have open recruiting for both the clan and admins. Thanks, F34R ObliVIoN Happy Hunting
Looking for fireteam to do raid on Normal then Hard. Im a lvl.30 Hunter on xbox360. My fireteam lobby is open soo im recruiting 27+ for Normal and 29+ for Hard.
Edited by Arcane Crow: 11/24/2014 5:13:08 PMlvl 29 warlock looking for raid group, either atheon normal or anywhere in the hard raid. I dont have a mic.
Doing hard mode raid looking for level 29 and 30 with experience GAMERTAG: XaLe XrAyZ
lvl 28 titan lfg lvl 28 weekly
lvl 25 hunter PVE
Edited by AlpaKeniBody: 12/1/2014 1:19:29 AMLooking for people to play with. Only lvl 10 titan
level 25 hunter
Lvl 39 Ass-wrangler, ready to plow some barely legal butthole. Any takers?
Lvl27 titan looking for heroics/nightfall strikes gt is treyvos
Central time, add me if looking for teammate to weekly heroic, nightfall, or raids. i also have the dlc pack, for anyone looking to do new stuff as well add me TADOW259